Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday Greetings To All

A Very Merry Christmas From The Imperial Household,
And The C&C To All Loyal Subjects Of The Empire.


  1. Merry Christmas Don, have a good one.

    Regards Paul

  2. Vacc Heads, are you listening,
    In the shed, lead is glistening
    A beautiful sight,
    We're happy tonight.
    Casting in a wormhole wonderland.

    Gone away is are the big shows
    Posting has stopped
    Jon's building up stock
    Casting in a wormhole wonderland.

    In the new year, madness is approaching
    Flooded with Christmas vouchers all redeemed,

    We'll say: Have you the UNSC Fleet yet
    He'll say: No man,
    it's on the list you see
    Just after FT3!

    Later on, he'll conspire,
    As Jon dreams by the fire
    Sculpting more 15 mil,
    Oh what thrill
    Casting in a wormhole wonderland.

    Happy Chistmas Jon thanks for another great year
