Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Is It A Tank, Boat, Or Train?

I put this up in response to Tim Gow's post on the Vickers Independent....;-)


  1. Looks damn sensible to me - although it's cornering abilities may be rather poor.

  2. When I first saw the model shown in the photo here I thought it was a very good kit bash....who knew, lol

  3. Just thought to ask you Tim what would this be counted as in Megablitz terms?

  4. Hmm. For a start the base would be about 8km deep. Given the crew numbers and later Soviet heavy tank organisation, I expect that a regiment (=battalion) would consist of around 12 vehicles, so in MB terms that would be 0.5 for numbers, +1 for tanks, but -1 for being crap. So a very expensive way of getting a very big stand with 1SP. I'm not sure I'll bother...

  5. Tim this is why I make the big clinky stuff into a scenario generator,or as a objective marker....they never make sense in the field however, as a back drop they come in pretty handy and it gives one an excuse to use the odd crap in your collection...)
