Sunday, May 22, 2011

My 15mm OGRE

The OGRE is shown with some of the new Rebel Miniatures

Humans in Body Armor for scale.


  1. Wow! Thanks for posting these. Out of curiosity, what are the actual dimensions of your model?

  2. I's 7 3/4 inches long, 6 inches tall to top of ball, 4 1/4 inches wide. made of very solid resin, the thing is the guy that made this limited run a few years back
    sent you this and one made from plaster! That one is being done as
    a part of my Crimson Fists Space Marines chapter, I've replaced many of the standard parts with GW parts and painted it in chapter colors.

  3. I really hate this thing Don...hate that I don't
    have one!

  4. Is there a way to still get O.G.R.E. tanks in 15mm?

  5. LordNth said...
    Is there a way to still get O.G.R.E. tanks in 15mm?

    I don't think anyone is doing them at the moment
