Tuesday, March 29, 2011

US Colonial Marine Corps

Top Secret: Eyes Only

US Colonial Marine Corps. 1


The 'Aliens' Universe in Full Thrust (Addendum For Gaming In the 'Aliens' Universe )... 1

'Aliens' Universe Sensors.. 1

The USCMC Starlift Arm Conestoga Class Battle Cruiser.. 2

Conestoga Battle Cruiser in Full Thrust: 2

Jamestown Class Assault Cruiser.. 3

The Jamestown Class in FT:..... 3

Cleveland Escort Frigate 3

STARGRUNT, THE USCMC (In Miniature !).... 3

Web page addresses:... 3

Organization 3

A Typical USCMC Platoon: 4

A Typical Marine Squad:... 4

Consequences In SG II........ 4

Equipment:.. 4

Small Arms................ 4

Support Weapons 5

M42A Scope Rifle With PARGET System 5

UA571-C Remote Auto Sentry Unit.... 5

M5 RPG........... 5

M78 PIG........... 5


M112 HIMAT 5

Equipment... 5

Sensor Net (LIDAR, Motion Tracker) 5

Vehicles....... 6

Caterpillar P300 Powered Work Loader... 6

M577 APC................ 6

M577 APC in SG II:. 6

UG-2L Arapaho Gunship 6

UG-2L Arapaho in SG II: 6

New Rules....... 6

Smart Weapons In Stargrunt II. 7

Smart Systems: 7

Targeting with a smart weapon: 7

Firing as a Smart Weapon: 7

1) Individual orders. 7

2) Squad Support 7

Operator Quality.. 8

ECM/counter measures................ 8

EW Against 'Smart' Systems.. 9

Gyro Mounted 'Smart' Gun................ 9

Remote Smart Weapons 9

Synthetics... 9

Primary/Secondary Synthetic Skills... 10

Synthetic Quality 10

Illegal Synthetics............. 10

An Example Of A Marine Synthetic: Carter 11

Experimental Weaponry/Equipment..... 11

Class 6 Spider-Silk HardSuit 11

C6 HardSuit in SG II:......... 11

Caterpillar P900-M Personal Powered Armour 11

The P900-M Suit in SG II: 12

XENOMORPHS........................ 12

Or, As We Know Them Better - ALIENS !... 12


ACTIONS............. 12

MOVEMENT........... 13





ELECTRONIC WARFARE............. 15

CLOSE ASSAULT............. 15



ORGANIZATION.............. 15

Queen.. 15

Immobilized Queen: 16

Mobile Queen: 16

Royal Guard.. 16

Drone.. 16

Facehugger/egg.... 17

GENERAL GUIDELINES.................... 17

The USCMC In Dirtside II..... 17

Marine Infantry..... 17

M577 APC 18

M577A Armored Personnel Carrier 18

M577A2 Armored Personnel Carrier 18

M577A3 Armored Personnel Carrier 18

MBTs/Arty. 18

M22A3 Jackson Medium Tank.... 19

M40 Ridgeway Heavy Tank.... 19

Aerospace 19

UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship............. 19

An Alternative View (Mike Miserendino I think): 20

UG-2L Arapaho Gunship 20


The 'Aliens' Universe in Full Thrust (Addendum For Gaming In the 'Aliens' Universe )

In FT One important aspect of the aliens universe is sensor technology. Star ship warfare is likened to modern submarine warfare, in this respect a modification of the sensor rules are required to more accurately model this. Weapons technology in the Aliens universe also differs from the standard human technology of FT, however, there is provision for railguns in More Thrust. Many people feel that railguns are too powerful, I agree than on Kra'Vak ships they ARE too powerful, however, this is balanced in this universe because no ships have either shields or armour plus ships maneuver as standard human ships thus removing many of the seemingly disproportionate advantages the Kra'Vak enjoy. The final aspect of weapons technology that cannot be ignored is that in the Aliens universe railguns can be mounted in turrets, I have no fudge, PSB or otherwise to explain/account for this in relation to the 'official' GZG ships except for the general idea that FT is truly generic and I can do what I want with it, however, this means that the Aliens universe ships may not cross over so well with the standard FT ships.

'Aliens' Universe Sensors

In FT In general sensors operate just as in More Thrust, however, here are a couple of add-ons that try to increase the importance of sensors without making the game too clumsy or into a sensor duel. There are two types of sensors, PASSIVE and ACTIVE. PASSIVE sensors are enough to locate an enemy ship, however, they are NOT enough to achieve a firing resolution/lock on with directed weapons (beams, railguns etc). PASSIVE sensors ARE enough to achieve a firing resolution for launching missiles as the missile's on-board AI is sufficient to achieve firing lock-on. Firing missiles does NOT reveal the ship to the opposing player, the bogey marker remains in play. To fire directed weapons or to scan another ship a ship MUST engage ACTIVE sensors. Note, to defend itself against incoming missiles the ship must also go to active sensor status thus illuminating itself. However, these are local active sensors rather than the main fire con-linked active sensors. The only difference between these active statuses will become apparent. Beam weapons may be used in more than one type of mode, either offensively, or defensively. All beam weapons have the capability to be fired at a much lower power setting at up to three times their range. When firing defensively in this mode the beams are slaved to the ships sensor apparatus, thus they can only fire in one arc and they may only be fired at as many targets as the firing ship has fire cons. NOTE firing in this mode requires a fire con, it cannot be used for any other firing (including missile launch) in the same turn. When firing at reduced power the beams cannot also be used offensively. When a target is fired upon in this manner the target suffers no damage, however, if hit the target's sensor array is 'blinded' and thus the target CANNOT use active sensors, including ADAF, however, the target can still fire local PD. In addition, a 'blinded' target cannot achieve enough sensor resolution to either launch missiles, OR scan another ship. Beam weapons are tied into the sensor array to fire defensively, thus the quality of the ships sensors will dictate the range of effective fire as much as the class of beam weapon. Basic sensors have a range of 54", Enhanced 81" and Superior 108" (note that the maximum range for MT type scanning is still 54"). Thus a ship with basic sensors and B batt (f) can only blind out to 54" rather than 72" (three times range of a B batt), however, a ship with Enh sensors and a B batt (f) can 'blind' out to 72", the extra range is lost as the beam cannot fire that far.

So an example of all of this may be: Ship X mounts twin A batts both in Fore mounts, it has a magazine of six missiles and Enh sensors. Ship Y has a turret mount C3 railgun and a single B batt (f) and basic sensors. On PASSIVE sensors both ships locate each other on the table, they are currently 67" apart roughly facing each other. At this stage they are both bogeys. Ship X gets the initiative, it fires its A's in defensive mode at Y and hits, Y is 'blinded'. X also launches a three missile salvo. Next turn X again gets the initiative, it again fires A's at Y in defensive mode, hit again Y is still 'blind', missiles close in. Next turn Y gets the advantage, both ships have closed to 46" range, the missiles which were fired at Y are too close for comfort so Y goes active, the ship is placed on the table, Y fires defensively on X, hits and 'blinds', Y also fires PDS on the missiles, hits two but takes a kicking from the third. Next turn ships have closed considerably to 35" range, Y gets the advantage....and so on

So as you can see it in single ship engagements it is important to get the initiative, however, this is less important in multi-ship engagements. These sensor rules are an attempt to simulate tactical decision making over long-distance engagements, possibly using missiles. The closer the ships get the less the defensive firing is really useful since the captain will want to balance defensive priorities with all out offence to damage the target as much as possible at optimum range. It is hoped that these simple add-ons add another dimension to sensors/scanners and stuff without slowing play too much

The USCMC Starlift Arm Conestoga Class Battle Cruiser

Using the Tech. manual I came up with this for a Conestoga Cruiser, I'll test it out in FT to see how well it shapes up. It may well change after a few games. As far as model availability goes, Galoob's Micromachine version of the Sulaco is perfectly acceptable within several limits.

The mini is cast in plastic rather than metal, therefore some detail is poorer than would be seen in metal. The forward sensor array is fused as one unit, individual sensors can be separated which greatly improves the visual appeal, the twin particle beams are fused to the hull rather than separated, which, although not ideal, does not look too bad. The final problem is the lack of the ventral railgun turret as the stand hole is in this position. Despite these small problems this mini is worth picking up. A scale comparison with the FT line of ships does not go too badly either. Alongside the NSL ships the Sulaco is around the size of a heavy cruiser, although this is on the small size for a GZG battle cruiser, it is not too far out.

Conestoga Battle Cruiser in Full Thrust:

Mass: 60, Type: Capital Class, Battlecruiser, NS Drive: 4, FTL: Std, Tech: Human, Hull: Military, Cost: 469, Damage: 30 8 8 7 7, Syst: FCS, FCS, AA batt F, AA batt F, PDAF, PDAF, Ortilery System, Class 1 Railgun F, Class 1 Railgun P, Class 1 Railgun S, Class 1 Railgun F, Class 1 Railgun P, Class 1 Railgun S, Enhanced Sensors, 4 Missiles, Normal

The rules for Missiles, Enhanced Sensors, AA Batteries, Ortillery and Railguns are found in the More Thrust supplement to Full Thrust.

Jamestown Class Assault Cruiser

In a radical departure for the USCMC Starlift arm the Jamestown Cruiser was introduced into service. Before the introduction of the Jamestown class the primary armaments of many star ships were either ASAT missiles, or neutral particle beams. However, with increasing technological advancement in both targeting and power systems it became possible to outfit ships with more powerful railguns. The Jamestown assault cruiser epitomizes this concept as its main armament is an incredibly powerful triple railgun system mounted in a dorsal turret.

The Jamestown Class in FT:

Mass: 32,Type: Cruiser Class, Assault,NS Drive: 6,FTL: St Tech: Human,Hull: Military Cost: 259, Damage: 4 4 4 4, Syst: FCS, FCS, PDAF, PDAF, Class 3 Railgun F, P, S, B batt, F, B batt, F, Enhanced Sensors

Cleveland Escort Frigate

A heavy anti-missile/light engagement ship for military/civilian escort duties. Mini: possibly a NSL destroyer from the FT line, unless I can get my hands on some of Adrian Bruce's Project Helios Destroyers.,

Mass: 18, Type: Escort Class, Frigate, NS Drive: 4, FTL: Std, Tech: Human, Hull: Military, Cost: 117, Damage: 9 5 4, Syst:, FCS, PDAF ,PDAF, Class 1 Railgun F, Class 1 Railgun P, Class 1 Railgun S, Class 1 Railgun F, Class 1 Railgun P, Class 1 Railgun S, Enhanced Sensors



The TO&E of a colonial marine platoon provides for a VERY flexible organization. This is balanced by the comparatively small size of a USCMC platoon. What the platoon lacks in manpower it more than makes up for in firepower.

A Typical USCMC Platoon:

Lieutenant (ranking officer)

Master Sergeant, Sniper, Artificial Person [Optional]

First marine squad

Second marine squad

A Typical Marine Squad:

Marine squads are formed from nine man units. A unit is: Sergeant, squad one comprising: rifle team 1 (two marines), Gun team 1 (one marine one M56 gunner) and squad two comprising: rifle team 2 and Gun team 2.

Consequences In SG II

I have been playing the USCMC as a very flexible unit. I treat the squads of four marines (3 M41A, 1 M56) as a single squad led by a corporal (M41A), thus a single marine unit in SG II consists of: the Sergeant (as an individual figure) and two squads of marines. A single platoon of marines, therefore, has multiple levels of command. From the bottom up: a marine, corporal, sergeant the master sergeant then the officer. In practical terms a single (four marine) squad could take their two actions then be reactivated twice by the sergeant, who could then be reactivated by the senior officer he could then reactivate the same squad for a total of fourteen actions. This is a little ridiculous really, rather than rule against it common sense should prevail. If this level of activation is too much then combine the Sergeant with one of the sub-squads.


Small Arms

M41A Pulse rifle Standard Small Arms FP 3 I D10

M56 Smart Gun Fire Support FP D10 I D12 Smart System D10

M240 Incinerator Close Assault Two shifts up in melee

A typical marine would be equipped with a M41A pulse rifle and a M4A3 heavy handgun (FP 1 I D8) for melee/close defence (one die shift up). Typical alternative armaments are to substitute the M41A for the M240 Incinerator, or in a 'police action' rely upon M4A3 hand guns only. All small arms equipped marines are expected to carry a M83A2 SADAR. All Marines are all equipped with M3 armour over ballistic fatigues. The M3 armour provides partial (D6) protection.

Support Weapons

Two marines per squad are equipped with heavy support weapons, typically the M56 Smart Gun. Heavy anti-armour weapons are generally carried in the APC and are used as the tactical situation demands. NOTE, the use of heavy weapons would be in ADDITION to the smart guns, the smart gun operator does not replace the gun with a heavy weapon.

M42A Scope Rifle With PARGET System

Treat as Gauss sniper rifle. PARGET system is described in the section covering smart weapons. Sniper scope is multi-spectral scope with IFF decoder, Sup (D10) sensors represent this.

UA571-C Remote Auto Sentry Unit

Described in section covering smart weapons. I D10.


As IVAR. FP D10 I D12*


As plasma weapon. FP D6 I D12*


The M83A2 SADAR is a single shot shoulder fired disposable anti-armour rocket. The rocket has infrared homing to acquire and maintain a lock on the intended target. The IR homing may also be over-ridden and the rocket fired over open sights. In SG II use as either GMS/P (basic guidance D6) or IVAR, the player chooses the firing mode before rolling dice.


As GMS/L. Fire Con Enh (D8) I D12


Sensor Net (LIDAR, Motion Tracker)

Individual marine squads are equipped with microwave motion trackers, the smart guns are also fitted with motion trackers and IR sensors. The additive effect of this in game terms is that the CMC is equipped with Enh (D8) sensors. Platoons deployed in STATIC positions with the APCs gain the benefit of battle field lidar combined with the enhanced processing power of the APC's tactical computer. The result is that emplaced marines are considered to have Sup (D10) sensors, however, as soon as the marines leave the emplacement that sensors revert back to Enh.

This is optional. Most marines wear combat helmets with built in cameras. If the ranking officer is riding in the APC (hey lets all lead from the rear !) then a the officer can patch into the helmet cams following a successful com roll. This can happen at any time, and does not take up an action. Using helmet cams the officer can thus monitor the battle and efficiently redirect the marines using an action to communicate as normal. Note an attempt to patch into helmet cameras can be challenged by EW troops.


Caterpillar P300 Powered Work Loader

Not generally seen in the front line, regularly used in rear echelon areas and for specific engineering/logistic tasks.

M577 APC

The M577 APC is the main transport for CMC squads. A platoon usually consists of two M APCs. The Lt./ sniper ride with one squad, while the Master Sgnt/AP ride with the second squad. The ranking officer usually acts as commander, while either a marine or sniper can act as driver, if present the AP usually acts as a driver.

M577 APC in SG II:

S3(med), ECM Enh (D8), Armour 3, Crew 2, Capacity 9 infantry, decoys, smoke launchers. Twin rotary SAW in front mount, DFFG/2 in main turret.

UG-2L Arapaho Gunship

The Arapaho was developed from an original USCMC requirement for a lighter more agile utility VTOL gunship than the UD-4L Cheyenne. The UG-2L Arapaho was developed using essentially a scaled down airframe of the Cheyenne, the airfoil surfaces were increased as was the power plant output ratio, the result was a fast gunship which could also act as a light load carrier. The primary role of the Arapaho is gunship support of ground actions, however, the Arapaho can also function as an air superiority fighter against less technically advanced fighters. The Arapaho is capable of transporting six fully equipped marines and their equipment. This transport role added to the considerable ground support firepower has led to the Arapaho being widely adopted in a variety of roles from dedicated ground support to Casevac transport.

UG-2L Arapaho in SG II:

S3 (med), Mobility VTOL, ECM Sup (D10), Armour 2 (all round, as Dirtside II), Crew 2, Capacity 6 infantry (no PA), Decoys, FC Sup (D10) Weapons, Rotary SAW chin turret, Two Multi-Launcher Packs, GMS/H. The MLPs fire (together) as Arty (range as GMS), 3 in diam burst D8* impact (* double major hit on point target) The GMS represents two racks of both air to air AND air to ground missiles

New Rules

Smart Weapons In Stargrunt II

Smart Systems:

Smart systems integrated into squad support weapons are rare on the modern infantry battle field. Although few armies use smart weapons routinely, there is growing evidence that smart weapons are much more effective than there predecessor 'dumb' SAWs.

Smart systems may be of any quality: Basic (D8), Enhanced (D10) or Superior (D12). If you are into alien tech, hyper advanced (D20) could be used.

Targeting with a smart weapon:

Smart weapons may fire both in support of squad fire and as separate actions. Smart weapons fire over the same range as small arms fire. For example, a regular marine could fire a smart weapon 40 inches while a green could only manage 30 inches. This range is not modified by cover.

Note a smart weapon can be used as EITHER a smart weapon OR a 'dumb' weapon The player announces before the weapon is fired which mode he is using for targeting. If firing as a 'dumb' weapon use FP and Q vs. range as SG II.

Firing as a Smart Weapon:

1) Individual orders

The gunner uses their quality die and a Smart system die versus the target's ECM/counter measures die. If the Smart sys. roll is higher than the target's ECM/counter measures roll then resolve as normal. If the Smart sys. roll is lower the targeting was ineffective and the weapon will not fire.

Example: A regular marine is firing at a bunch of bugs 32" away. The marine throws a D8 (quality) and a D10 (smart), the bugs would normally get a D4 (no ECM/counter measures) but as they are 'invisible' by IR, I would suggest a ECM/counter measures die of D6. So, Marine throws D8+D10, bugs throw D6. Resolve as SG II.

2) Squad Support

Essentially two sets of dice are thrown simultaneously. The squad rolls Q and FP as normal against the target's Range die, however, the Q die result is noted (I use either a different colored die or I separate it slightly). Simultaneously, the gunner rolls the Smart sys. die against the target's ECM/counter measures die. If the Smart sys. roll is higher than the target's ECM/counter measures roll the outcome depends upon the effectiveness of the squad's fire. If the squad gained a major success the Smart sys. gains an additional major success, total the result from the Q die plus the result from the Smart sys. die, determine number of hits using the target's ECM/counter measures die type. All hits from both squad and Smart gun are resolved together using the small arms I value. If the squad only gained a minor success then the smart sys. gains a major success, resolve as above. If the squad failed to beat the target's range die then the Smart sys. gains a minor success only (suppression). If the Smart sys. fails to beat the ECM/counter measures die the target lock fails so no firing occurs.

Example: Them pesky bugs refused to die, they scuttled forwards 12" (now 20" range). The whole squad decides to shoot. Three regular marines fire M41As while the gunner fires the M56. The marines roll a D8 and a D10 (three FP 3, a D10) vs. a D8 (range), the smart gunner rolls a D10 vs D6. The marines roll a 6 and a 3 respectively, the bugs roll a 4, bummer for the marines, minor success only. The M56 rolled a 7 while the bugs rolled a 5, as the marines gained a minor success the M56 fire is a major success (if the marines had totally missed then this would be a minor success, suppression). This fire is resolved as SG II: the Q result was 6 the Smart sys. was 7, total 13, target die D6, two hits, the extra roll succeeds, total two hits resolved as small arms Impact vs. bug armour.

Operator Quality

The quality of the operator should have some influence on how effectively the weapon fires. A modifier can be used according to the quality of the trooper.

Quality Effect

Untrained Cannot target through smoke/soft cover,

shift target two ECM/counter measures die

type up, can only fire under individual


Green Cannot target through smoke, target one

ECM/counter measures die shift up, target

gets one ECM/counter measures shifts up

when firing combined with squad.

Regular Target one ECM/counter measures shift up

to target through smoke.

Veteran Ignores smoke.

Elite As Veteran

ECM/counter measures

Smart weapons acquire targets via a number of different techniques for example IR, IFF transponder response, UV, and/or motion sensors/mass detectors. The modern military has begun to recognize the importance of smart weapon in infantry actions. Modern fatigues/military equipment has a degree of IR/sensor/IFF disruption woven into their fabrics/built into their systems. This can be taken as basic ECM/counter measures (D6) for technologically advance infantry troops. Civilian clothing/equipment or obsolete military clothing/equipment found in technologically backwards or third world armies do not contain ECM/counter measures (D4). The only troops which regularly use dedicated individual ECM/counter measures are troops equipped with power armour as the suits are able to provide the power for Enhanced ECM/counter measures (D8), or Superior ECM/counter measures (D10).

Troops in cover gain a degree of protection from smart weapons, shift ECM/counter measures die up one for troops in soft cover, or two shifts for troops in hard cover. Troops in position do not gain any benefit.

EW Against 'Smart' Systems

EW troopers cannot spoof smart systems across the table. The only counter measures possible are personal ECM/counter measures.

Gyro Mounted 'Smart' Gun

Gyro mount infantry support weapon (I don't need to describe it you've probably all seen the film !). I'm using it as a Gauss machine gun (FP D10 I D12). Smart system: Advanced (D10).

Remote Smart Weapons

Fire just as the personal weapon, except:

A remote system will target the nearest non-IFF identified target (there is no choosing targets now !). When firing on ECM equipped targets if the system roll fails then the weapon will not fire (it has no operator).

A sniper (as Colonial Marines Handbook) using the PARGET system may direct smart remote weapons. The sniper makes a communication roll with the weapons system (the sniper must roll over a 2 on a quality die), ECM may spoof this roll as usual. If the sniper is successful then the auto weapons may begin targeting at the sniper's discretion. NOTE the sniper may only direct the weapons to targets the sniper can see, if targets cannot be seen the sniper can allow the weapon to auto-fire as normal. Each turn the sniper wishes to control the weapons the sniper must roll for control, it is not automatic from turn to turn. Note the sniper CANNOT shoot while controlling remote weapons, the sniper is using the scope on the weapon to direct the guns.


Usually one to two artificial persons accompany a USCMC platoon. The Synthetics serve as backup drivers, medics or in an advisory capacity. Synthetics who are introduced into military service are programmed with basic infantry skills in addition to a number of common tasks, such as driving light vehicles/APCs, operating comms equipment etc. All other programmed skills are chosen prior to inception of the synthetic.

Synthetics used for other lines of work are not programmed as military synthetics, their skills will be specific to the task in hand.

A synthetic in SG II would react very much like a competent human, synthetics are programmed to act like an average human, however, the synthetics skills are generally greater than an average human in its specialist field.

Before the game (ideally when a TO&E is drawn up for the troops but prior to determining the mission (unless a specific synthetic is attached for a single mission) determine the skills of the synthetic.

Primary/Secondary Synthetic Skills

Choose two skills, a primary and a secondary from:

Pilot -Aerospace, Pilot - Space, Field Medic, Advanced Infantry, Heavy/Support Weapons, Demolition, Electronic warfare/Computing, Driver - Armour, Mechanic- Light, Mechanic - Heavy, Combat engineer, Science, Diplomacy. (add specific skills as necessary)

These two skills form the programming the synthetic received prior to joining the unit. If the Synthetic uses primary or secondary skill it will do so using an unmodified skill level. When the synthetic uses any other it does so at a die shift down. For example, Gill a synthetic has as a primary EW/Computing and as pilot -Aerospace. His role in the USCMC is as a co-pilot in a Cheyenne. Gill is a Regular 1. If is in a Cheyenne he uses a D8, however, if he were on the ground with a M41 pulse rifle he would use a D6.

Synthetic Quality

All synthetics are programmed to act as average humans, however, in their specific skill they generally perform than an average human.

All synthetics are (at players discretion) either Regular 1 or 2, or Vet 2 or 3.

Synthetics in Marine service wear body armour as a marine. the tougher nature of the synthetic frame gives the an added bonus, offering partial (D8) protection. If a synthetic is wounded it does not become completely non-functional, they can take an extra-ordinary amount of damage, wounds which would kill a do not destroy a synthetic. to represent this the first time a synthetic is wounded it is not dead, it two die shift down in quality. If a damaged synthetic is damaged again it is destroyed.

Asimov's robotics laws apply to legal synthetics. they cannot by direct action, or inaction, harm a human intentionally. In SGII this means that although a synthetic may be armed the MAY NOT shoot at human, they may not charge into close assault, however, if charged they will defend themselves. If a human is defeated in close assault by a synthetic do not roll for casualties, the opponent is ALWAYS alive and immobilized.

Illegal Synthetics

Occasionally companies and governments require missions performed which have almost negligibly chance of survival, or no witnesses are required after the mission. Even though synthetics are incredibly expensive they are seen as a valuable tool for these type of missions. Illegal synthetics are generally toward the higher end of the skill envelope, plus they do not have behavior modifiers, therefore they will shoot and kill human targets.

Example: Yakino Black-Ops Synthetic Model YKB-0357

Primary Skill: Urban Infiltration, Secondary Skill: Interrogation.

YKB-0357 model synthetics have been recovered at several scenes of industrial espionage.

An Example Of A Marine Synthetic: Carter

Carter has been in USCMC service since activation. His initial programming was in driving - light vehicles/APCs, basic infantry - small arms. Carter's Primary Skill is Field Medicine, and his Secondary is Advanced Infantry. In SGII he is a Regular 1. In a game he generally rolls a D8 for quality, however, he would only uses a D6 when called upon to perform a non-primary/secondary skill task like piloting a Cheyenne. Note that although he drops a die level to perform such a task this is still considerably better than a regular marine who is incapable of piloting a Cheyenne.

Experimental Weaponry/Equipment

Class 6 Spider-Silk HardSuit

The Class 6 spider-silk/laminate HardSuit was developed specifically to provide greater protection for individual marines during hazardous missions (they are not bug hunts !) and for special forces personnel during covert assaults in urban terrain where the casualty ratio is generally unacceptably high. The HardSuit is unpowered, thus it is tiring to wear for extended periods, for extended periods during hazardous missions the unit wearing HardSuits would be transported in a M577 APC. Although the suit is un-powered there is a small power cell enough to supply the suit with power for environmental isolation either during EVA, or NBC challenge in addition to communications and sensors. Thus far the C6 HardSuit has performed reasonably in trials, the next stage of testing will be hazardous environment trials, which if the suits are successful will be followed by battlefield trials.

C6 HardSuit in SG II:

Un-powered Full Armour (D10), Enh sensors (including Multi-spectral and Lo-Light Visor) (D8), Basic ECM (D6), NBC Protection (Filters/Sealed), Can be vacuum sealed (12 hours). Movement Normal (D6, D6x2).

Caterpillar P900-M Personal Powered Armour

The Caterpillar P300 series was used by Caterpillar as a test-bed for development of personal powered armour. The P300 was already considered to be a reliable frame that could carry large loads (weapons normally considered too heavy for light infantry use) over rough terrain. The engineers at Caterpillar built ground up a new version of the P300 frame (the P900 series) with modern composite materials resulting in a, more expensive albeit but, lighter frame which could lift as much as the P300 series. The P900 series frame was militarized (P900-M) by creating armored sections (Spidersilk/laminates/scintered gels) which enclose individual 'limbs' of the P900 frame. A load lift manipulators was replaced with a heavy Waldo glove giving the P900-M frame a degree of anthropomorphic dexterity (to clear jammed weapons, or to reload). Weapons configurations for the P900-M are still in the testing stages. To date three variants of the P900-M have been produced, the P900-MP, P900-MG, and P900-ML, corresponding to main armament fits of PIG, Gattling cannon, and heavy Laser. In addition, each P900-M has a heavy assault shotgun built into the Waldo glove for melee combat. The P900-M has additional features in accordance with its militarisation, all electronics are EMP hardened, and the suit has a dedicated ECM package in addition to 'hot' smoke launchers fitted as standard. As a final measure the P900-M has an experimental medical package built into the suit.

Currently there are few P900-M suits on evaluation with the 2/2 Marines (six suits: three P900-MG and three P900-MP), they are organized into two ad hoc squads comprising a NCO (P900-MP), and a fire team of one P900-MG and one P900-MP. To-date the P900-M suits have had mixed results in trials, as yet there has been no confirmation of future orders for these suits.

The P900-M Suit in SG II:

Armour: Heavy PA (D12), smoke launchers, Enh ECM (D8), NBC sealed, Vacuum sealed (12 hours), Enh (D8) sensors, Move 8" (D8x2), assault shotgun built into suit (2 die shifts up). Main weapons one of: rotary SAW, PIG or Heavy Laser (FP D12 I D10).


Or, As We Know Them Better - ALIENS !



Xenos go 'In Position' much easier than human troops. If in cover the Xeno may go IP automatically if desired, if in the open test at LV+1. The Xeno must remove the IP counter prior to movement, if not reaction test at LV+1

Xenos excel at hiding. Individual Xenos may go into concealed positions during the game. Test exactly as snipers, if passes place one counter plus two dummies. The Xeno may NOT exchange positions like a sniper.

A Xeno IN POSITION may elect to go dormant. The Xeno shuts down, it is invisible unless in base contact. No test is required for dormancy, the player announces it and the Xeno takes 2 actions to go dormant.

A dormant Xeno will only re-activate under three conditions:

i. An order from the Queen is received

ii. A threat to the hive/eggs is perceived within 2 inches

iii. The Xenos hibernation reserves are depleted and it needs to feed (unlikely to occur in the game other than specific scenarios)


Xenos are FAST !

If a Xeno is moving through cluttered terrain (anything other than open) treat the Xeno as one range band further away as they dart from cover to cover.


A solo Xeno will react differently to a group as the survival imperative is strongest in a solo Xeno.

A SOLO Xeno Will:

ALWAYS attack the nearest threat, it will ignore a non-combatant in favour of a combatant.

approach its objective with maximum stealth

protect eggs/queen above itself

retire off board if witness to destruction of eggs/queen (in this way it will perpetuate the species)

A GROUP of Xenos Will:

assault a position in force regardless of losses

not necessarily use stealth in an approach to a position

protect eggs/queen above all else

not test for unit losses

enter into a killing frenzy if witness to destruction of eggs/queen

detach elements at will, takes one action (same Q/Co as main unit)

not have a group leader, nominate a group leader as reference for measuring etc.

ALL Xenos will:

be highly motivated

always advance to the nearest threat

ALWAYS obey the Queen


Xenos are ALWAYS CO at the start of the game. They are ALWAYS highly motivated, everything is seen as a life or death struggle to them


First time suppressed NTR

unit takes casualties +0

unit takes more casualties than survivors 1

unit under artillery/aerospace attack +0

untreated casualties in unit NTR

unit abandons wounded NTR

Queen killed +4

Eggs damaged (Egg Guard only) +1

Eggs destroyed (Egg Guard only) +2


Go IP in OPEN +1

Go IP in cover NTR

Move without removing IP marker +1

Shaken attempting to leave cover to advance +1


CO Any

ST Any

SH Reaction test to leave cover

BR move to cover, will attempt to withdraw if possible. Will not initiate close assault

RO must withdraw to hive if possible. If close assaulted will defend but not kill. If withdrawal not possible, remove fig as it goes into a hidden dormant position.


Xenos are difficult to spot. Treat as one range band further away for spotting by EW elements.

The queen must still roll COMMS rolls to send orders out to the drones.

Xenos have excellent sensors, count as Sup (D10).

It is not currently possible to disrupt Xeno comms with EW countermeasures.


Attack as SG II, causes TERROR


Ignores Power Armour bonus

Ignores terror effects


Before dice are rolled the Xeno player announces the TYPE of attack the Xeno makes, either I. Capture or II Kill.

If the Xeno wins I. the opponent is immobilized ready to be carried off to the nest to become egg incubator. the Xeno in contact with the figure is retired to the hive, it can eventually re-enter play at GM's discretion. II. The opponent is DEAD. There are few wounded in fighting Xenos, there is either the quick or the dead.

If the opponent wins: roll Quality +2, if successful then they avoided the acid splash, if not they are splashed by acid as they killed the Xeno (again, no wounded !). If splashed roll D6: 1 - DEAD, a huge amount of acid caught the player in an exposed spot; 2-4 - Wounded, mild splash on armour plating which can be treated; 5-6 - OK, caught by caustic fumes only, a lucky escape.


If an opponent uses a shotgun they must check for acid splash at Q+4.

If using a flamer test at +0.



Top Xeno in a hive. A queen in an established hive will be immobilized as an egg-layer.

Immobilized Queen:

Quality: Veteran/Elite

Move: N/A

Armour: Body D10, Egg-sac D4

Close assault: N/A

Sensors: Enh (D8)

Causes Terror

Takes 4 consecutive action plus reaction test to separate from egg-sac

Mobile Queen:

Quality: Veteran/Elite

Move: 6" (D6x2)

Armour: Body D12

Close assault: 2 Attacks, 2x D10x2 (choose highest), opponent ONE shift down

Sensors: Enh (D8)

Causes Terror

Royal Guard

The biggest and meanest Xenos.

Quality: Elite

Move: 10" (D10x2)

Armour: Body D10

Close assault: 3 Attacks, 3x D10x2 (choose highest), opponent TWO shifts down

Sensors: Sup (D10)

Causes Terror


Your average every-day Xeno.

Quality: Regular/Veteran

Move: 8" (D8x2)

Armour: Body D6

Close assault: 2 Attacks, 2x D8x2 (choose highest), opponent ONE shift down

Sensors: Sup (D10)

Causes Terror


Only present in a mature hive.


Xenos should be played as close to their cinematic representation as possible. If a situation arises in conflict with any of the above SG II suggestions then feel free to improvise as necessary.

The USCMC In Dirtside II

From: the GZG mailing list, Charles Thumann's idea how to represent the 'Aliens' world in Dirtside. As I don't currently play this I'm just putting this info up. It may change as I play more DS II.

Marine Infantry

This is where DSII doesn't really model the Corps very well, in SGII there are too many sub-units to be accurately modeled in DSII. To fudge round this I propose that a marine squad should comprise three stands, two stands of four for the marines and a stand of two for the Sgt./driver. This means that in DS II the stand of two would actually remain in the APC until required, then it may debus from the APC and fight, however, this does mean the APC becomes immobile until crewed again. Another fudge which becomes necessary is to include an additional vehicle in the TOE for the platoon commander. This is necessary because I can't really design the M577 correctly to carry three stands, therefore instead of a two vehicle platoon (correct) we have a three vehicle platoon.

Platoon in DS II

LT (command stand) two figs

Specialist stand (any DS II specialists)


Sgt./Driver stand (2 figs) Sgt./Driver stand (2 figs)

Squad stand (4 figs) Squad stand (4 figs)

Squad stand (4 figs) Squad stand (4 figs)

M577A M577A

Company In DS II

Capt. (command stand) two figs

Specialist stand (any DS II specialists)

M577A (Command Variant)

Platoon 1 Platoon 2

That's about it for now, expect more soon....

M577 APC

"We came outta that APC spitting sweat and blood. Up ahead we heard screaming as the twenty-mike-mike chopped the bugboys into salad. Sarge screamed Split Orange, an we broke into a four-by-four formation, charging the hill with the smarts in support and the APC on overwatch. The bugboys saw us coming and launched a buzz-bomb. They’d have had us cold if it weren't for the Loot in the APC - he caught their launch flash and iced the suckers with the peebees before their bomb had even left the tube! S'damndest thing I ever saw!"

There are currently three common variants of the M577, the standard A version, an airdef A2 version, and an A3 version which substitutes the plasma turret for a DEW turret

M577A Armored Personnel Carrier

MEDIUM vehicle (class 3), HI-MOB WHEELED mobility, CFE power, Armour 3A 1 x HKP/1 in Turret with ENHANCED FireCon, 1 x APSW, ENHANCED ECM, STEALTH-1, capacity for 3 Infantry Teams. Basic Signature 3, Effective Signature 2 (D10) POINTS: 142.

M577A2 Armored Personnel Carrier

MEDIUM vehicle (class 3), HI-MOB. WHEELED mobility, CFE power, Armour 3A 1 x Enhanced ADS, 1 x APSW ENHANCED ECM, STEALTH-1, Basic Signature 3, Effective Signature 2 (D10) POINTS: 428.

M577A3 Armored Personnel Carrier

MEDIUM vehicle (class 3), HI-MOB. WHEELED mobility, HMT Power, Armour 3A 1 x HEL/2 in Turret with ENHANCED FireCon, 1 x APSW, ENHANCED ECM, STEALTH-1, capacity for 2 Infantry Teams. Basic Signature 3, Effective Signature 2 (D10) COST: 158.


M22A3 Jackson Medium Tank

MEDIUM vehicle (class 3), FAST TRACKED MOBILITY, CFE power, Armour 3A 1 x HKP/4 in Turret with ENHANCED FireCon, 1 x APSW, ENHACED ECM, STEALTH-1, ENHANCED PDS Basic Signature 3, Effective Signature 2 (D10) POINTS:232.

M40 Ridgeway Heavy Tank

LARGE vehicle (class 4), FAST TRACKED mobility, CFE power, Armour 4A 1 x HVC/4 in Turret with SUPERIOR FireCon, 1 x RAM Mortar (Light Artillery), 1 x APSW SUPERIOR ECM, STEALTH-2, LAD Basic Signature 4, Effective Signature 2 (D10) POINTS: 461 plus cost of Mortar ammunition.


UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship

"Fact: the Cheyenne handles like a cow. If its carrying a load, make that a drunken cow. Listen up kiddies; these are righteous words I speak.

Do no, I repeat do NOT get into a dogfight with one of these babies, cuz you will BURN! You are not Cool Jo or Panda from No Guts, No Glory and unlike the teevee shows you watched as little boys and girls, popping the airbrakes and throwing the nozzles forward NEVER EVER causes the enemy fighter to overshoot into your guns!

If an enemy air threat appears, there are two sensible reactions: Run, which is good; or Hide, which is almost as good. Anyone who tries to fight back is a dumb conehead who will burn in Marine Hell for wasting a perfectly good dropship.

Any questions?"

OVERSIZED vehicle (class 6), VTOL mobility, FGP power, Armour 2 1 x SLAM/3 in Fixed-Mount with SUPERIOR FireCon, 1 x GMS/L w/ SUPERIOR Guidance SUPERIOR ECM, 2 x FireCon, STEALTH-1, capacity for 1 Size 3 Vehicle or 6 Infantry Fire Teams. Basic Signature 6, Effective Signature 5 (D4) POINTS: 554.

An Alternative View (Mike Miserendino I think):

Size 5 Aero Space, FGP Powered, 3 Armour, 1 Size 2 Vehicle, 1 Level of Stealth, Sup ECM, Enh Fire Con, SLAM 3, GMS/L Sup, APSW x2, Cost 701 points

Now the Drop Ship from Aliens looked to have some pretty heavy weaponry, but we can't add any more weapons with out making it an oversize 6.

Remember that carrying a vehicle is the size class x 8. So getting a size 3 vehicle would take 24 VSP. The largest thing we can possible carry is a size 4 and that’s with a size 7 Aerospace. Basically a flying Box Car with 3 vsp for defensive systems. Larger vehicles require special landers that don't go near combat zones.

UG-2L Arapaho Gunship

The Arapaho was developed from an original USCMC requirement for a lighter more agile utility VTOL gunship than the UD-4L Cheyenne. The primary role of the Arapaho is gunship support of ground actions, however, the Arapaho can also function as an air superiority fighter against less technically advanced fighters.

The Arapaho is capable of transporting six fully equipped marines and their equipment. This transport role added to the considerable ground support firepower has led to the Arapaho being widely adopted in a variety of roles from dedicated ground support to Casevac transport.

Vehicle, class 3, Armor class 2, Fusion Generation Plant, VTOL/Helicopter/Jetcopter, Sup Fire Con, class 3 SLAM in Fixed mount, GMS/H with Superior guidance, APSW, Superior ECM, Space for 1 unit of normal infantry, Cost 298 points.

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