Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wehrmacht Panzer Division (Modified)

Here I've taken ideas from a few sources first and foremost the great
work by Chris Kemp
"Not Quite Mechanized",also using the fantastic
work by Tim Gow and his "Megablitz" system, and where it all began
(for me) "Series 78" standard MTOs. Add to this that we are playing
our games on our near earth "Terra Secundus' and not the actual
historical earth I can take a few liberties with the German
organization to fit into our games.

Div HQ 1 Commander mounted in Kubelwagen or Staff Car(s3), 1 Signals Van or A/C(s3),
1 SP Flak(s2-4)

Pz Recce Bn* 1 Lt Tank or A/C(s3), 1-2 A/C or 1/2Track(s3), 1-3 Motorcycle(s1-3) but total M/C Str = no more than 3 ( Change to 3 M/C With sidecar Str 2 each)
Pz Regt HQ1 Comd Pz(s3), 1 Signals A/C(s3),
Pz Bn x 2 3 Pzs (See notes below)(s3-4) ( Change to 3 Bn)
Pz Gren RHQ1 Comd SdKfz(s3), 1 Signals A/C(s3), 1 150mm SiG(s3)
Pz Gren Bn 1 Comd SdKfz w 37mm PAK(s3), 2 SdKfz w MG(s3), 4Rifle stands (s3) Rifle stands may have AT Rifle capability, 81 or 50mm Mor(s2-3) (Change to 2 Bn)

Mot R RHQ1 Comd Staff Car(s3), 1 Signals Van(s3), 1 150mm SiG(s3) or towed gunMot Rifle Bn x 3) 1 Comd Stand(s3), 3 MG stands(s3), 3Rifle stands (s3) may have AT Rifle capability, 81 or 50mm Mor(s2-3), 2-3 Trucks or 1/2tracks(s3) (Change to 2 Bn)
Pz Arty Regt2RHQ comd(s3), up to 3 FOO(s1-3), 2 x 105mm Div gun + limber(s4), 150mm Howitzer + limber (s3-4). Some or all guns may be SP
PAK Bn37mm or 50 Gun+Limber(s3), 75mm Gun+Limber(s3) all may be SP

Pz Engr Bn3 Engineer Stands (@2 figures), SdKfz or Truck with optional Bridging Trailer*****************************************************************************************************
Add***Manit & Supply 1 supply truck, one Maint Van, one Recovery Halftrack
Note that the Panzer Grenadier Regiment Has one Armored Bn (the Pz Gren Bn), and one motorized Bn that, for convenience, I have listed with the two Bns for the Motor Rifle Regiment. Most Panzer Divisions only had the luxury of one Bn mounted in that iconic vehicle the SdKfz 251 (SonderKraftZeug). Don't believe the propaganda photos, fully three quarters of the Wehrmacht's Panzer Grenadiers went to war in trucks or unarmored halftracks.A Nod to my actual collection here, I had way too many Sd Kfz 251/1w/mg34 so went with two Bn
Early in the war, the division would have a Motorcycle Bn. However riding motorcycles is dangerous enough at the best of times, and their role in combat meant that the Bns suffered heavy attrition. I have shown the rump of the Battalion absorbed into the Recce Bn.A Nod to Megablitz here......Always felt that the recon elements in NQM were too small.
I have not specified what sort of Panzer should be used in the Orbat as this changed as the war progressed. Early on the proportion was roughly ( 1 PzII : 2 PzIII : 1 PzIV) As the War progressed, the proportion of PzIVs increased to 50% of the TOE, and the PzII disappeared. Later still the PzV replaced the PzIII. In addition, large numbers of StuGIIIs and IVs were produced. The StuG (SturmGeshutz) was a casemated gun on a tank chassis. The design benefit being that a more effective gun could be carried on the chassis than a turreted design would allow. In addition, production costs were lower, at a time when numbers were critical.


  1. Good stuff - the madness continues! What about a photo of your division?

  2. The photo will be posted as soon as my opel blitz radio truck arrives!

  3. Nice stuff! Keep up the good work!

  4. Doo said...

    Nice stuff! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks we'll try...)

  5. Bill said...

    Waiting on an order Don?

    Yeah from WarWeb some German stuff
    made by Old Glory...good prices right
    now but have to wait for them to restock.

  6. Hope you get the stuff in soon , would like to see the pictures...)
