Thursday, February 11, 2010


Complexity: Moderate

It was another lonely, chilly night for the outpost observers. The stars were shining brightly in the near-twilight sky, but Sgt. Zigg had no eyes for them. Instead, he was concentrating, worried about the telefax he had just received.

"Sir, I think you'd better come look at this," called Pvt. Zanichelli. Zigg did not move.


Zigg looked up and attempted to cover the concern in his eyes. He had a feeling...

"Sir, the seismometers are picking up some odd things. I'm not sure, sir, but it seems that there is a whole lotta something coming our way...but it's coming from two directions," the private reported.

"Send a drone," replied Zigg, absently. He knew what it would find.

"To which area?" asked Pvt. Kutner.


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