Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10 Years Of Starship Combat News!

It was on September 28th 1999 that I sent out the first emails to publicly announce that my website, Starship Combat News was up and awaiting visitors. I personally wanted to find a website that had information about all the space combat games and miniatures currently available. A one stop shop focused on my main interest in gaming, space combat. Not finding such a site and having a tough time keeping track of all the games out there without such a resource, I decided that I would make that site myself.
SCN started on the free Homestead servers but a couple years later it moved to a friend's server, and then into the pay server world. The number of visitors kept going up over the years and I got a chance to talk with people in the gaming business along with gamers from around the world.
So thank you all for this last 10 years, I really do appreciate you stopping by. Games have come and gone during that time, but the gamers remain. I get behind on updates tot he site sometimes and I apologize for that. I do catch up eventually and feel free to bug me about it if I get too far behind.
Questions or comments, please drop me a note at dean@star-ranger.com
Get SCN shirts and more at printfection.com


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