Thursday, August 6, 2009

BEE Expresses Regret

Official Government Statement To be Given Later Today:
The Imperial Brazos Government regrets the incident of 5 August where an unmarked aircraft crossed over into an active training area in the north of our nation close to the Dromonain boarder. Although we do not as yet know the exact type nor the nature of the flight in question we wish to offer our condolences to all affected by this tragedy. After and extensive investigation we found that the aircraft in question was hit by one of three antiaircraft batteries in the area armed with short range guns only. Clearly the aircraft strayed deep into our training area or could not have been hit by these weapons. Thefact that this aircraft then flew many miles back into it's own territory before crashing shows that the damage was not at first fatal. Our government deeply regrets that the pilot did not land within our territory were aid could have been quickly provided.


  1. Yup...knew he couldn't stay out of troble too long...)

    Joe said...
    Oh Hell, Here we go! LOL

  2. The Imperial Brazos Government regrets the incident of 5 August where an unmarked aircraft crossed over into an active training area in the north of our nation close to the Dromonain boarder. Although we do not as yet know the exact type nor the nature of the flight in question we wish to offer our condolences to all affected by this tragedy. After and extensive investigation we found that the aircraft in question was hit by one of three antiaircraft batteries in the area armed with short range guns only. Clearly the aircraft strayed deep into our training area or could not have been hit by these weapons. The
    fact that this aircraft then flew many miles back into it's own territory before crashing shows that the damage was not at first fatal. Our government deeply regrets that the pilot did not land within our territory were aid could have been quickly provided.

  3. This is yet another unmitigated and blatant lie!
