Tuesday, July 1, 2008

GZG OFFICIAL More 15mm Civilian/Colonists/Cops!

Now available, four new packs of 15mm SF - a second
pack of Colonial Security Cops in caps, and THREE
different packs of ARMED civilians/colonists! A wide
mix of urban and "outback" clothing (some very
SF-Western style, with a couple of Very Big Hats),
and a varied assortment of weapons - pistols, carbines,
shotguns, hunting rifles and more. Great for RPG
character figures and survivalist types (zombie hunting
anyone?) as well as for making up stands of armed
colonists to repel the slavering bug hordes... or maybe
just get eaten.

SG15-V6 Colonial Security (Cops) pack 2 (8 figs) £2.50
SG15-V7 Armed Civilians/Colonists pack A (8 figs) £2.50
SG15-V8 Armed Civilians/Colonists pack B (8 figs) £2.50
SG15-V9 Armed Civilians/Colonists pack C (8 figs) £2.50

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