Sunday, May 11, 2008

World In Conflict

Bill this looks allot like the "Clear Creek Incident"
doesn't it? It's the one we trained for that thankfully
never happened!


  1. His Excellency said:Bill this looks allot like the "Clear Creek Incident"
    doesn't it?

    Well the part where all the A10s
    and Apaches came roaring in and zapped the tanks and infantry
    looked depressingly familiar!

    Your right ...glad this one never!happened, like Red Dawn
    on f***en steroids!

  2. Bill said...Well the part where all the A10s and Apaches came roaring
    in and zapped the tanks and infantry
    looked depressingly familiar!

    It did look similar didn't it...)

    And Yeah.....Red Dawn on steroids
    is an accurate assessment!

  3. That's one awesome looking game!
    It does look a bit like that big Clear Creek game you guys did.

  4. Bill said...
    Well the part where all the A10s
    and Apaches came roaring in and zapped the tanks and infantry
    looked depressingly familiar!

    And your T72s and BMPs running
    through my town on one end...

  5. His Excellency said...
    It did look similar didn't it...)

    And your M1s and Bradleys running
    through my town from the other!
