Saturday, May 3, 2008

Templar Cavalry

The Knights Templar are best known for their special ops teams and, of course, the heavy powered armor Assault Brothers. These elites are drawn from the ranks of the brethren at arms who serve in the Templar cavalry, the quick reaction force of the Order. Each Templar initiate must undergo rigorous training and a minimum of two years service in the cavalry. Only then can they move on to becoming full brother knights in the Order.

The Templar Cavalry Squadron (QRF) is designed to function independently. Most units are mounted in armored cav vehicles (GEV, wheeled or tracked depending on terrain) but all are cross trained in air assault and the AV6 assault VTOL is preferred. The personal weapon is normally the L7A3 AAR (FP3/d10) although the FA75 (FP2/d12) is also popular. Body armor (d8) is similar to NSL issue.

* Table of Organization (6 officers, 182 men) Command lance (2 officers 12 men)
* Weapons banner
o HQ lance (1 officer 5 men)
o RAM lance (4 tubes 28 men)
o Anti-armor lance (4 GMS/L 8 men)
o Fire support lance (2 Gauss SAW or DFFG-1, 4 men)
o Area defense lance (2 GMS/AA 4 men, 2 RFAC/2 8 men)
* Scout/sniper lance (12 men)
o 4x Sniper team: sniper, spotter/FAO, tracker
* 3x Mounted Infantry (rifle) banner (1 officer 35 men)
o HQ lance
+ Banner commander, sergeant, EW, Medic, AGL, AGL
o Heavy weapons lance
+ GMS/L team (3 men)
+ DFFG/1 team (3 men)
o 4x Lance
+ Lance leader, ASL, SAW, AGL, 2 riflemen


  1. Very pretty colonel but can they fight....)

  2. Bill said...

    Very pretty colonel but can they fight....)

    Since we're using movie idioms:

    They'll do you a treat mate....

  3. His Excellency said...
    Since we're using movie idioms:

    They'll do you a treat mate....

    So...They're just harmless little bunnies

  4. They'll do you a treat mate....

    So...They're just harmless little bunnies

