Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ogre Mk. IV

In 2074, the Combine was flush with the success of the largest cybertank to date, the Ogre Mk. III. Designers were tasked with building a bigger, better Ogre. Rather than build one unit to do everything, they designed two: the Mk. V for short-range, high-intensity exchanges, and the Mk. IV for fast strike, long-range power.

The Ogre Mk. IV carries a single main gun, and a pair of secondaries. However, its primary weapons are the three missile racks mounted in the rear, loaded with 5 missiles each. In addition, it moves faster than any other unit, short of a GEV . A certain amount of durability was sacrificed to achieve such speeds though; this cybertank has only 56 tread units.


  1. A gentle reminder to our good friends in the FPPR, we have two of these cybertank already fielded....) I believe yours are still on the drawing board, so how is that going? ;-)

  2. La Coloniale said...

    Subtle as usual..;-P

    The BEE doesn't do subtle! lol

  3. His Excellency said...

    A gentle reminder to our good friends in the FPPR, we have two of these cybertank already fielded....) I believe yours are still on the drawing board, so how is that going? ;-)

    It's all part of our five year plan!

  4. Bill said...The BEE doesn't do subtle! lol

    Well the subtleness requirements are somewhat lessened with the possession
    of two MkIV OGREs....)

  5. Don M said...Well the subtleness requirements are somewhat lessened with the possession of two MkIV OGREs....)

    LOL, fare to say...)

  6. Don M said...Well the subtleness requirements are somewhat lessened with the possession
    of two MkIV OGREs....)

    LOL, valid point !
