Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Joke Turned Background!

This all started at Mel's expense on his FORCEXXI e-group

APC Status

They are all base coated with storm bolters added.....)


Re: APC Status

They are all base coated with storm bolters added.....)

Oh great like the evil empire on the Brazos needed
to grow bigger lol....)


Re: APC Status

A note to my neighbors:

Be assured, we are only conducting our annual
training exercise and have no hostile intentions
to any of our peace loving neighbors. If in the
course of our maneuvers we invariably edge too
close to your boarders, please do not consider
this a provocation. It is merely the needs of
training our troops in the many varied terrain
of our empire. Also please do not be alarmed by
our naval craft which will also be involved in
this years exercise,I assure you that your
territorial waters will be respected.I also ask
your understanding in the training of many new
pilot cadets that may do to their inexperience
briefly fly into your air space.

It's is His Majesties' highest hope as well as
ours of the BEE General Staff to avoid any
misunderstandings which regrettably, has far too
often plagued our nations relationship in the
past. I again wish to assure you that we have
nothing but peaceful intent to our law abiding

Yours In Peace

Field Marshal BEEC
Sir U.P. Yurbacside

Re: APC Status

LOL, Ok recalling regulars off holiday leave
and alerting the militia.........)


Re: APC Status
Oh GAWD!!!! LOL, up late huh Don?

Well just in case, better get my knotheads
to the range.......)


Re: APC Status

Yup, time to exchange suitably provocative
and meaningless gestures.......;-P


Christmas card
In the hopes of preventing this spiral
downwards into further misunderstandings,
you'll find a Christmas card from the
Brazos Evil Empire in the photo section.

Re: Christmas card
Need to find a friendly neighborhood arms
dealer.........Hey Mel whatcha got to kill
tanks in large numbers? lol

Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card
1. Lots of infantry shooting the TAMS missile, in fire and forget mode.
2. Lots of infantry in dug in positions with TOW II missile launchers on OP
3. 1 spec ops team with lots of plastic explosives charged to blow the
second the tanks drift " momentarily" into your land.
4. Artillery with nothing but FAASCAM
5. last but not least, the P48 can opener.

Of course all these infantry will be on "Training" Missions near the border.
Sense the "training will be near the border, an issuance of warning to your
neighbors that some officers may be inept at land navigation and just might
inadvertently cross the border with out realizing it.

Re: Christmas card

I think two teams of two Wraith Gunships
would not be amiss.And perhaps two VTOL
Stirge Squad Carriers for forward deployment
of tank killer teams.

Just a thought a few thoughts.......)


Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

It's a good thing that I have the country of Oklasawansasouri between me and
you guys lol.

Mel Beard
Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

I have had good luck with Bantha tanks and the ARFS using PDWS.

Mel Beard

Re: Christmas card

It's a good thing that I have the country of Oklasawansasouri between
me and you guys lol.

Try living as an unwilling member of said empire lol


Re: Christmas card

I have had good luck with Bantha tanks and the ARFS using PDWS.

That might work too.....)


Re: Christmas card

Try living as an unwilling member of said empire lol

Yeah your just waiting in the wings to seize power


Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

Just remember that those Iron Boots WILL get to heavy...

Mel Beard
Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

Yeah, I'm thinking about attacking Oklasawansasouri then burning everything
as I retreat back.. the cost of supplying his troops from his home land
will crush him. Especially through the winter.

Mel Beard
Force XXI Miniatures
Re: Christmas card

Just remember that those Iron Boots WILL get to heavy...

LOL, yeah but for now he can do Jumping Jacks in um.......)


Re: Christmas card

Yeah, I'm thinking about attacking
Oklasawansasouri then burning everything
as I retreat back.. the cost of
supplying his troops from his home land
will crush him. Especially through the winter.


Two words......orbital insertion.....)


Re: Christmas card

Need to find a friendly neighborhood arms
dealer.........Hey Mel whatcha got to kill
tanks in large numbers? lol

I'm truly saddened by these continued
misunderstandings.The BEE government
is also deeply distressed by this
needless provocation on the part our
neighbors, we hope that this matter
may be peacefully resolved.

Re: Christmas card

Of course all these infantry will be on
"Training" Missions near the border.
Sense the "training will be near the
border, an issuance of warning to your
neighbors that some officers may be inept
at land navigation and just might

inadvertently cross the border with out
realizing it.

The BEE government is deeply distressed by
the actions of some well known arms merchants
in driving controversy to facilitate sales.
These scandalous warmongering merchants for
their own financial gain are playing to the
unrealistic fears of our valued neighbors.It
is our hope that all the governments that
share our boarders will come to realize that
our intentions are, as they have always been
nothing but peaceful.

Re: Christmas card

I think two teams of two Wraith Gunships
would not be amiss.And perhaps two VTOL
Stirge Squad Carriers for forward deployment
of tank killer teams.

We are increasing our deployment of antiaircraft
artillery units in light of this unprecedented
aggressive provocation!

Re: Christmas card

I have had good luck with Bantha tanks and
the ARFS using PDWS.

Once again a shameless attempt to hawk their wares.

Re: Christmas card

Try living as an unwilling member of said empire lol

Alas time for another purge of the disloyal....
Fortunately our reeducation facilities are
fully manned.

Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

Now I went and done it...
Woke the Misses up with my 2 Am uncontrollable laughter while catching up
on E-mail

Mel Beard

Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

Yeah, But how are your orbital craft going to get thought the Tesla Coil

Mel Beard
Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card
ummm... I got nothing, This is a good one lol

inadvertently cross the border with out
realizing it.

The BEE government is deeply distressed by
the actions of some well known arms merchants
in driving controversy to facilitate sales.
These scandalous warmongering merchants for
their own financial gain are playing to the
unrealistic fears of our valued neighbors.It
is our hope that all the governments that
share our boarders will come to realize that
our intentions are, as they have always been
nothing but peaceful.

Re: Christmas card

I think two teams of two Wraith Gunships
would not be amiss.And perhaps two VTOL
Stirge Squad Carriers for forward deployment
of tank killer teams.

We are increasing our deployment of antiaircraft
artillery units in light of this unprecedented
aggressive provocation!

Re: Christmas card

I have had good luck with Bantha tanks and
the ARFS using PDWS.

Once again a shameless attempt to hawk their wares.

Re: Christmas card

Try living as an unwilling member of said empire lol

Alas time for another purge of the disloyal....
Fortunately our reeducation facilities are
fully manned.

Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

Now I went and done it...
Woke the Misses up with my 2 Am uncontrollable laughter while catching up
on E-mail

Mel Beard

Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

Yeah, But how are your orbital craft going to get thought the Tesla Coil

Mel Beard
Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card
ummm... I got nothing, This is a good one lol

Mel Beard
The BEE government is deeply distressed by
the actions of some well known arms merchants
in driving controversy to facilitate sales.

Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card
Have I mentioned that the Javelin Launcher works just as well in the air as
on the ground??

Mel Beard
Arms Merchant Press Release

To All concerned,
It has come to the attention of the CEO and Board of Directors that accusations of

scandalous warmongering to drive sales up has angered a certain government.
We want to reassure all governments involved that our sales reps and this company

do not feed on your fears, nor will this company take any responsibility for actions

taken by your neighbors "Peaceful" intentions in light of said accusations.

Mel Beard

Re: Christmas card

Now I went and done it...
Woke the Misses up with my 2
Am uncontrollable laughter
while catching up on E-mail

LOL. Now you see what goes on in chat
between this bunch of loons.....)


Re: Christmas card

Yeah, But how are your orbital craft
going to get thought the Tesla Coil

LOL. Simple he'll just paint his attack craft
red so they go fasta!


Re: Christmas card

ummm... I got nothing, This is a good one lol

Ha! Driving controversy my ****! Best I
could do, but then Don was a recruiter
so double talk comes naturally......;-P


Re: Christmas card

Have I mentioned that the Javelin Launcher
works just as well in the air as
on the ground??

Nope missed that briefing.......)


Re: Arms Merchant Press Release

To All concerned,

It has come to the attention of the CEO
and Board of Directors that accusations
of scandalous warmongering to drive sales
up has angered a certain government.We
want to reassure all governments involved
that our sales reps and this company do
not feed on your fears, nor will this
company take any responsibility for actions
taken by your neighbors "Peaceful"
intentions in light of said accusations.

In other words it's nothing personal it's
just business......Oh and don't miss our
monthly special by the way......)


Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

Figures.. lol
> LOL. Simple he'll just paint his attack craft
> red so they go fasta!
> Bill

Re: [forcexxi] Re: Christmas card

This is a nice little package. The Javelin Launcher utilizes Smart Tech
Software which configures the weapon and round being fired at the time of
launch. If there is no target lock the software takes over and keeps the
round from firing. therefore no shot wasted.
The Javelin system has been upgraded to the TAMS.

Here is the blurb from our brochure:

The Javelin Launcher is a ground/Air guided missile. It is fitted with a
targeting computer that if the roll to hit is failed the missile will not

This Missile may be fired at ground targets or Air targets and must be
specified as to which.

The Javelin is also fitted with the TAMS system and the points to upgrade
must be spent as well."

Mel Beard

Diplomacy was Christmas card
Ha! Driving controversy my ****! Best I
could do, but then Don was a recruiter
so double talk comes naturally......;-P

Our government is deeply saddened by the
reactions to our peace overtures.It was
hoped that the our pursuit of peaceful
relations with our neighbors would have
been greeted with a better reception than
thus far.

BEE Eugenics Policy
LOL. Simple he'll just paint his attack craft
red so they go fasta!

I thought he got rid of all those damned Space Orks?

The Government of the BEE categorically denies any
knowledge of the development or deployment of
genetically altered or enhanced soldiers.Furthermore
the bodies of these genetic atrocities produced
for the world press by certain elements within
a few of our other wise law abiding neighbors
lands are a fraud. These obvious faked monstrosities
were no more than a vain attempt to discredit this
government and its' ever peaceful intent.

BEE Anti-piracy Policy
Are they be easily concealed and used by shall we
say irregular troops?

And the grenades make great tree decorations and
stocking stuffers......)

Be it known that it is here and forever more the
policy of this gorvernment that all persons taken
under arms that are not uniformed or affiliated
with a uniformed service in a recognized state of
war with this nation will be interrogated, tried,
and shot.

RE: [forcexxi] Illegal Weaponization of Space

Key word is PREVENTION

Also, the resolution is not a guarantee of prevention of an arms race in or
from outer space. And the threat of using space for military action is also
sanctioned in this treaty. meaning the BEE has broken that treaty with its
threat of orbital insertion.

Protest away, It is this Nations right to protect it self in any manner it
sees fit, upon action or threat.

>As per the United Nations General Assembly
>Resolution A/51/566/Add.10.


>A full letter of protest will be lodged at the next
>meeting of the General Assembly due to your corporations'
>flagrant admission of its' illegal development and
>deployment of the "Beard Mk.I Tesla Coil Satellite.

RE: [forcexxi] BEE Anti-piracy Policy

Thats not the correct order your regime uses for POW's. (from what I hear)
It's more like Shot, tried then interrogated...

Be it known that it is here and forever more the
policy of this gorvernment that all persons taken

under arms that are not uniformed or affiliated
with a uniformed service in a recognized state of
war with this nation will be interrogated, tried,
and shot.

Re: Illegal Weaponization of Space
Key word is PREVENTION

But did you not have to launch your Satellites

Not that it matters if your right the UN will
find you wrong out of jealousy anyway .


Re: BEE Anti-piracy Policy

Thats not the correct order your regime uses for
POW's. (from what I hear)It's more like Shot,
tried then interrogated...

That regrettable incident only happened a few
times due to very inexperienced troops.......We
have taken corrective measures.

And it was only shot a bit (in foot) to aid
the interrogation......)

RE: [forcexxi] Re: Illegal Weaponization of Space

>But did you not have to launch your Satellites

No We'll launch them from our warshi... err moon shuttles once the threat
has been varified.

>Not that it matters if your right the UN will
>find you wrong out of jealousy anyway .

The UN... all bark no bite.

RE: [forcexxi] Re: BEE Anti-piracy Policy


That regrettable incident only happened a few
times due to very inexperienced troops.......We
have taken corrective measures.

And it was only shot a bit (in foot) to aid
the interrogation......)

Re: BEE Anti-piracy Policy
That regrettable incident only happened a few
times due to very inexperienced troops.......We
have taken corrective measures.

And it was only shot a bit (in foot) to aid
the interrogation......)

And your policy News crews is? LOL

Re: BEE Anti-piracy Policy

And it was only shot a bit (in foot) to aid
the interrogation......)

***Sorry Dad......)

And your policy News crews is? LOL

Joe you shot more than anyone else
last time! Poor GNN team barely got
out alive (most didn't).........)


Re: Christmas card
Try living as an unwilling member of said empire lol

Alas time for another purge of the disloyal....
Fortunately our reeducation facilities are
fully manned.

Yeah like that's something new......;-P


Re: BEE Anti-piracy Policy
And your policy News crews is? LOL

Joe you shot more than anyone else
last time! Poor GNN team barely got
out alive (most didn't).........)

They were all spies! They weren't
real News people, just look how
fast they ran!


BEE Press Pass Policy
And your policy News crews is? LOL

Joe you shot more than anyone else
last time! Poor GNN team barely got
out alive (most didn't).........)

They were all spies! They weren't
real News people, just look how
fast they ran!

BEE Press Pass Policy Proposal:

In light of these admissions of guilt from the aggressor
of the "Clear Creek Incident" The Government of the BEE
proposes the following press safety guidelines. One,
all press entities within our boarders must register with
the Department of Information and receive their press
passes.Two, All press personal must at all times ware the
provided orange colored poncho with the prominent embossed
red "P" front and back.Three, all press vehicles must mount
the panels provided on all sides as well as the active scan
lock device to ensure that Central Command is aware of your
location at all times.Four, all active feeds must be sent
through Department of Information up link service.Any
unauthorized transmissions will be considered as an act of
espionage with full prosecution of the law enforced. Five,
all press must maintain at minimum a 500 meter distance from
all BEE units in the field unless otherwise instructed or
authorized. Six,all press personal must file a travel plan
with the Department of Information and be assigned a security
detachment to ensure their safety.

These requirements are merely for your safety as we wish that
your stay in our beautiful and beloved country be only a very
positive experience. To all members of the press that enter our
lands without proper credentials or through other illegal means
well be subject to confinement and prosecution. The Government
of the BEE will not hold it self responsible for the safety of
any agents of the press that fails to follow these very reasonable
guidelines.The Government of the BEE will also not hold it self
responsible for any agents of the press attached to any aggressor
military units in action agaist this governments' forces.......

BEE Department of Information Public Statement

RE: [forcexxi] BEE Press Pass Policy

Sense it's just a PROPOSAL, I want embedded reporters.

Re: BEE Press Pass Policy

Sense it's just a PROPOSAL, I want embedded reporters.

Ok so how you want um mounted? lol


Re: BEE Press Pass Policy

Allot of these are reasonable but, I've noticed you "could"
also target them very easily lol.


Re: BEE Press Pass Policy

Sense it's just a PROPOSAL, I want embedded reporters.

Ok so how you want um mounted? lol

I prefer them mount to the front glacis
plate myself......)


Re: BEE Press Pass Policy
Allot of these are reasonable but, I've noticed you "could"
also target them very easily lol.

I particularly like the scan lock lol......)


Re: BEE Eugenics Policy

The Free Pecos Peoples Republic (FPPR) has full and
complete evidence to the contrary. THe FPPR recovered
from the site of the "Clear Creek Aggression" several
specimens of the BEEs' monstrous and illegal eugenics
experiments. (i.e. Don you left 20 or so Space Orks at
my place)The Peoples Ministry Of Heath are maintaining
these specimens for presentation to the World Court.

Re: BEE Eugenics Policy
More Marxist lies and propaganda!

p.s. So that's where those damned orks got off to......)

Re: BEE Eugenics Policy

Ok then why were they in a very dirty and rough
version of your internal security forces uniform?
Oh and them carrying a version of your battle flag
with freshly attached heads from my army was just
a coincidence?

Re: BEE Eugenics Policy

Ok then why were they in a very dirty and rough
version of your internal security forces uniform?
Oh and them carrying a version of your battle flag
with freshly attached heads from my army was just
a coincidence?

LOL! Don't feel bad that's one of his common
psy-opps, he has standard bearers like that
for all his enemies......He's just sick that
way lol.

Oh some new intel here :SO-A Space Orkes,
SO-B Space Orkes with bikes by MJ Figures

in 15mm! I think BEE will be back to it's
old tricks!.......)

Report on Eugenics from BUFF

Oh some new intel here :SO-A Space Orkes,
SO-B Space Orkes with bikes by MJ Figures
in 15mm! I think BEE will be back to it's
old tricks!.......)

The Brazos Underground Freedom Fighters have
uncovered that the BEE have not only contracted
with the MJ Labs but is also looking to supplement
that purchase with more genetically developed troops
from Kremlin Labs:

CDC 6 Zomborgs (zombie cyborgs)

If there is one thing any army possesses in
abundance it is dead soldiers. Zomborgs are
a way to recycle these dead men. The survivors
of the assault on Neo Tokyo speak of a great
tsunami of the cyborg dead breaking upon them
followed up by shock wave after shock wave
of Death Commandos. Zomborgs do not have the
intelligence of their former live self (which
is just as well considering their role as
suicide attack troops), nor can they be taught
to use projectile weapons. They are most
dangerous when encountered in clusters or
packs, but are weak as individual warriors.

CDC 4 "Wrecking Crew" Warbots

Warbots (war robots) are common on the
battlefield and are used to assault the enemy's
strongest defensive points. They are not
programmed to retreat, do not require rest or
sleep, feel no pain and are powered by
a hydrogen fuel cell with a life span measured
in decades. They are frequently sent in with
the first (Zomborg) wave in an assault.

Re: Report on Eugenics from BUFF
I'm not surprised at all lol......Like Your fifth
columns name by the way lol


Re: Report on Eugenics from BUFF

A conundrum,how do you send the Internal Security
Forces against the dissidents when they both led
by the same guy ? lol


Re: Report on Eugenics from BUFF

Have you tried bribery? LOL!


Re: Report on Eugenics from BUFF

Are you kidding, only most of his life lol.


FPPR Official Reply Card
I've put the FPPR Official Reply Card
in the photo section.........)

Re: FPPR Official Reply Card

Why am I regretting sending Bill the Soviet Font?
Thanks for the card Boris er I mean Bill.......)


Re: FPPR Official Reply Card
The BEE Military Intelligence after long hours of photo analysis has made
the determination that FPPR has fielded a Super Tank (that's Intel for you,
everyone else just saw the big freaking tank on the card) of undetermined
armament. The full resources of BEEMI are being marshaled to further
investigate this new threat.

(on a personal note: I wonder if Bill has let his nickname go to his

Re: FPPR Official Reply Card
***It's not really there, honest it's only a prototype,
those other ten or so are just mock ups........)

(that's Intel for you,everyone else just saw the
big freaking tank on the card)

***Intel are a unique breed aint they lol

(on a personal note: I wonder if Bill has let
his nickname go to his head....)

***Naw, I've always suffered from partial Giagantism
when it comes to armor.....)

Re: FPPR Official Reply Card
LOL, Mock Ups! I love it ........)
LOL, you and Don are equally afflicted there lol.


Proposed Non Aggression Pact
From: Central Command BEE

To: FPPR Directorate Of Peoples Defense

Proposed A Non Aggression Pact for the propose of dividing
Dromonia at the river line mid way through that country and
between our nations.

Respond Diplomatic Courier.....

Re: Proposed Non Aggression Pact

Joe collects mostly W.W.I and W.W.II doesn't he?
Talk about Poland redux, LOL!


Re: Proposed Non Aggression Pact

Now wait one damned minute! This is great Commies from
the north Evil Empire from south and east......) Oh I
do have a few very modern items in the inventory by
the way.......Ok so there are hundreds of guys with
bolt action rifles and horsed cavalry, water cooled
machine guns, and tanks of dubious quality but they
got great spirit and dedication.....)


p.s. Look at my Holiday Card.........)

Re: Proposed Non Aggression Pact
Ok so there are hundreds of guys with
bolt action rifles and horsed cavalry,
water cooled machine guns, and tanks of
dubious quality but they got great
spirit and dedication.....)

Hehe, and I liked the card too.....)


Re: Proposed Non Aggression Pact

Yeah it was cute, I was almost moved.......)


Re: Proposed Non Aggression Pact

So this is what the sheep feel like as
the wolves circle lol.


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