Monday, April 7, 2008

Intelligence Report #SN:0Z75432

Intelligence Report #SN:0Z75432

Security Level: Red

Neu Swabian Military Research Division

Re: Kra’Vak Military Equipment Analysis

Recent activities on the Sadako Rim have greatly enhanced the possibility of contact with Kra’Vak ground forces. The information you are about to read has been processed through various battle reports, satellite observations and recon information. We do NOT have any first hand account of the viability and strength of Kra’Vak ground forces. This is mainly because of three reasons.

First, every military ground contact with the Kra’Vak has ended in the annihilation of the contacting force.

Second, Kra’Vak NEVER take prisoners.

Thirdly, the Kra’Vak NEVER leave wounded. They are either eliminated or retrieved.

A truly detailed analysis of Kra’Vak weaponry, sensors and communications equipment is not available. The only pieces of information that our researchers have been able to determine are from the remains of equipment that are sometimes found on the battlefield. Little is know of the Kra’Vak social order, organization of troops, command structure, and logistics. What we are providing here is a brief military analysis that could be relevant in small arms contact with Kra’Vak forces.


The Kra’Vak have three distinct weapons on the battlefield. Each weapon seems to be linked with the same mass driver technology that is commonly found on their warships and are therefore quite deadly. Our researchers are still unable to determine the nature of the power source for this equipment, although is seems based on both a bio energy and cold fusion principle. Every weapon recovered from the battlefield has been non-operational. It is theorized that each weapon is somehow connected to its user and this connection supports the “bio-fusion” that powers it. Our scientist’s only successful attempt at firing one of the Kra’Vak weapons was through the use of a starship power supply, which destroyed the weapon in the process. More research is needed for further understanding therefore the capturing of a live Kra’Vak is of utmost importance. Each type of commonly used infantry based weapon is detailed below.

Kra’Vak Power Rifle

The Kra’Vak power rifle is the main infantry weapon of the Kra’Vak ground forces. The power rifle measures approximately 86.3 cm in length and weighs approximately 5.7 kg. The rifle uses an ammo “clip” that holds 227 rounds of ammunition. Each round of ammunition is composed of a pointed titanium carbide core compound stabilized in a ferrite magnetic casing. The entire round is rectangular shaped 6.3mm in length and only 8 mm in width. The power rifle works on a mass driving principle. The round is injected into a firing chamber where the power source converts the ferrite casing into a plasma state. The mechanism for this reaction is very precise and does not disrupt the core of the round. The plasma now surrounding the core is accelerated through the weapon by a very strong magnetic field and propelled out the muzzle. The entire process happens in less than one-twentieth of a second. This allows an effective rate of fire of approximately 300 rpm. The bio energy source derived from this reaction has the strange effect of turning the plasma into a bright light and the round makes light streak during the firing process. The superheating of a gaseous atmosphere can have various effects with the rifle, including changing it’s color, leaving burning trails or making a strange noises as it travels. In most nitrogen/oxygen atmospheres it has been observed as being a white streak and making a hissing or cracking noise. The rounds make a distinct metallic click when fired. In either case, the noise level of the rifle is very low and most troops do not “hear” the weapon. A firing weapon only 100 meters away is very quiet and this makes it very difficult to “key” into areas of a firefight.

This weapon has many advantages some of which are very deadly.

Firstly, the weapon requires no chemical reaction to supply the propelling force for the projectile. Therefore it can be fired in any type of atmosphere (presumably excluding flammable ones) or in a vacuum.

Secondly, the weapon’s high rate of fire and seemingly low energy consumption makes the power rifle extremely dangerous in a suppression role.

Thirdly, the speed of the projectile has been estimated to be somewhere near 2600 m/s at the muzzle. Different atmospheres and conditions (the gun CAN be fired underwater, but at a much less substantial effect) can change the down range velocity of the weapon sometimes substantially. The plasma field seems to dissipate as it travels with the round to a point where it can no longer support the projectile and it falls to the ground. The tremendous speed of the projectile give the power rifle two characteristics, it is extremely accurate and can penetrate most armor and cover with ease.

Wounds caused by the power rifle can vary greatly. Some wounds observed on corpses are nothing more than tiny penetrations that pass cleanly through the target. Due to the great accuracy of the weapon, most rounds pass through the head or other vital area. They plasma that the round is suspended in also seems to have the uncanny ability to disrupt the neural system and electronic gear of it’s target. The effect is not always certain and many times this effect is blocked by protecting armor. The armor will not stop the penetrator but will “splash” off the plasma suspending it. The projectile, after launching from the rifle, only measures approximately 6 mm in diameter. Most hits from this weapon in a non-vital area will have a non-lethal effect. Unfortunately, this works against most troops. Armor is used to protect vital areas of most ground forces, this armor is useless against the power rifle penetrator but very effective against the plasma field. Most non-vital areas are lightly protected or not protected at all, and although they will rarely result in a lethal hit by the penetrator, the plasma field is not blocked and therefore a disruption of the neural system may occur. This rarely results in death, but incapacitates the target nonetheless. This would explain the large number of MIA’s that usually occur during contact with Kra’Vak forces. Unfortunately, even the “splash” of the plasma can result in the disruption of electronic devices and unit leader’s communications gear can be severely disrupted when under fire from this weapon. Our scientists are working to develop a shielding mechanism against this electronic disruption.

SG Rules for Power Rifle

FP: 2 Impact: D12

Due to the bright streaks that the projectiles of the power rifle emits, any Kra’Vak unit that fires from a hidden position will be revealed immediately.

The Power Rifle ignores all but the hardest cover and slices though most materials. Troops facing Kra’Vak forces still get a die shift for cover to determine fire effects but do NOT get a die shift for armor impacts.

The plasma field can disrupt any communications or electronic warfare equipment. If an EW personnel or unit takes a hit from the Power Rifle (regardless of saves) it automatically looses one EW marker. Roll a d6, on a roll of a 1, the EW equipment is destroyed. Likewise, if a unit leader/forward observer is hit (regardless of saves) he looses one action on his following activation due to a disruption of his communication system. Roll a d6, on a roll of a 1 the leader/forward observer com system was destroyed and has the following effects. A leader may not call in fire missions or communicate with any other units unless he is within 6”. A forward observer looses his ability to contact any fire missions or other communications (calling case vac, etc.)

Kra’Vak Heavy Power Gun (also known as the “Auto Rail”)

The heavy power gun is the “big brother” of the power rifle. It differs in the following fashion.

The Heavy Power Gun (HPG) is much larger than the Power Rifle (PR). It measures 119.4 cm in length and weighs 7.7 kg. The HPG has a much larger “clip” that holds 672 rounds. Each round is composed of the same material and of nearly identical size. The major difference in the HPG and the PR is the rate of fire. The HPG estimated rate of fire is 1500 rpm. The HPG can put down a great swath of plasma charged projectiles. Even though the rate of fire is much higher, the velocity of each round is much slower. Presumably this is a trade off in power requirements. A round shot by the HPG has a muzzle velocity of only 1100 m/s, but given the small size of the round and its still “high” velocity it is very deadly. Neural effects due to the plasma are identical. What the HPG lacks in “punch” it makes up for in volume. The HPG appears to be limited by both the energy supply and the size of its “clip”. The clip seems to be very difficult to load, due to the size of the weapon and the positioning. After about three bursts from the weapon, it must be reloaded. An HPG in a mounted position, with larger power supply and a larger clip is a MUCH deadlier weapon.

SG Rules of Heavy Power Gun

FP: D12 Impact D10

Due to the bright streaks that the projectiles of the Heavy Power Gun emits, any Kra’Vak unit that fires from a hidden position will be revealed immediately.

The Heavy Power Gun ignores all but the hardest cover and slices though most materials. Troops facing Kra’Vak forces still get a die shift for cover to determine fire effects but do NOT get a die shift for armor impacts.

The Heavy Power Gun may fire three times (bursts) and must be reloaded. After the third firing of the weapon, it takes the Kra’Vak one action to reload it.

The plasma field can disrupt any communications or electronic warfare equipment. If an EW personnel or unit takes a hit from the Power Rifle (regardless of saves) it automatically looses one EW marker. Roll a d6, on a roll of a 1, the EW equipment is destroyed. Likewise, if a unit leader/forward observer is hit (regardless of saves) he looses one action on his following activation due to a disruption of his communication system. Roll a d6, on a roll of a 1 the leader/forward observer com system was destroyed and has the following effects. A leader may not call in fire missions or communicate with any other units unless he is within 6”. A forward observer looses his ability to contact any fire missions or other communications (calling case vac, etc.)

Kra’Vak Missile Launcher (Projector)

A strange Kra’Vak support weapon is the Kra’Vak Missile Launcher, although “missile launcher” seems to be a misnomer no other word accurately describes it. The Kra’Vak Launcher (KVL) works on a similar process as the other weapons in the Kra’Vak arsenal, but also on principles of weapons we use. The KVL measures 132 cm in length and weighs 10.9 kg. Each projectile measures 30 cm long and about 7.6 cm in diameter. Up to four projectiles can be loaded into the launcher. Once the last “missile” is launched the launcher must be reloaded. The “missile” is launched from the projector using a chemical propellant very similar to our own and uses a propellant stabilized flight system that is guided by the precise propellant flow through the rear of the projectile by tiny directing nozzles. The missile is smart and is capable of tracking it’s target in a fire and forget fashion. There the similarities end.

It appears that the missile’s guidance system would be disrupted by the plasma filed normally generated in other Kra’Vak weapons. Therefore, the Kra’Vak use a more conventional way to project the missile towards it’s target. Once the warhead has reached a preset distance from its target, a proximity fuse fires off its lethal charge. The following is only a theory on how the missile works. We have NOT captured an unfired missile for examination.

The missile, once reaching it’s target at a speed of only 313 m/s, appears to detonate and use the same plasma induced projectile system found in other Kra’Vak weapons. Erupting in a bright flash, the plasma “ball” is about 13 cm in diameter and contains hundreds of titanium carbide projectiles. In some circumstances the “cloud” of projectiles look almost like “smoke”. These projectiles are thought to be travelling at the speed on the order of at least those of the Power Rifle. The hundreds of projectiles also seem to be precisely aligned so they hit at approximately the same angle. This has the effect of literally pushing aside the molecules of any armor that the projectiles meet, which quickly punch through the armor and commence, in a deadly hail inside the vehicle. The secondary effect is that the plasma field, much larger than that generated by the other weapons, tends to “leak” though these holes and play havoc on electronic systems inside. The impact area of a KVL often looks like a patch of “burnt Swiss cheese” with many very tiny holes. The secondary and sometimes worse problem with this weapon is the plasma field. The puncturing of the armor by the projectiles dramatically increases the surface area that the plasma can contact. This often results in a spectacular blast as the plasma converts the armor into more plasma. The plasma is quickly consumed by this reaction but not before generating great amounts of heat (in excess of 3000 degrees C) and destroying the vehicle. The reaction is NOT certain and seems to be highly depended upon angle of attack, armor composition, and amount of penetration. Most AFV casualties have been either the crew incapacitated or killed by the projectiles/plasma or the AFV’s electronic systems are disabled. Once again, our scientists are working to develop some kind of shielding against this electronic disruption.

A KVL impact on a living target is not a pretty sight. Any living target stuck by a KVL (the detonator seems to be proximity timed to any target in the missile’s path) stands little chance of survival. Fortunately, in an open combat environment, the plasma field and the projectiles tend to disperse rather quickly.

SG Rules for Kra’Vak Missile Launcher

Guidance: Advanced D10 Impact: D12x2 (vs. dispersed targets D10) Rounds: 4

On a penetrating hit, the crew rolls a D4 vs. size class regardless of what type of armor they are equipped with. This means that crew exposed to a major penetration will always result in casualties.

Non-Penetrating hits on vehicles by the KVL are rolled for the same as any other non-penetrating hits with the following exception. A roll of 4-6 will result in a SYSTEMS hit due to the electronic disruption of the plasma field.

The KVL is a difficult weapon to load. Once the last missile has been fired it must be reloaded. It takes an entire action to load ONE round into the KVL. It would take FOUR actions to completely reload the weapon.

Kra’Vak Battle Equipment

Kra’Vak Communications Helmet

The Kra’Vak use a very sophisticated and advanced command and communication system. Once again, they are attached to the soldier and the same “bio-fusion” that powers many of the weapons also seem to power this equipment. The “helmet” or headgear of the Kra’Vak seems to provide a variety of functions. The Kra’Vak helmet is approximately one-third larger than any helmet used in our forces and has many electronic devices and displays within therefore it is quite heavy. The Kra’Vak physiology is more massive than humans and they appear to have no problems wearing it. The inside of the helmet has many tiny “button-like” controls and levers. The Kra’Vak have a variety of facial appendages (extra moveable teeth, grasping appendages, “tentacle-like” appendages, etc.) and appear to use these to activate different functions inside the helmet. A Kra’Vak warrior can be firing on your position with his Power Rifle and at the same time changing channels on his communication system. This makes the Kra’Vak frightfully efficient in combat. Although one has never been seen a helmet in use or even functioning properly the following has been theorized about it’s operation.

Fire control within a Kra’Vak squad is always very well coordinated. Therefore, the “squad leader” must be in constant commination with the warriors under his control. It is assume that the helmet not only allows communication with his warriors, but displays firing information, sensor detections, atmospheric conditions and a variety of other information. The helmet is also a breathing apparatus that attaches to a pack built on the back of the Kra’Vak armor. This allows breathing and climate control inside the helmet in any hostile atmosphere (even underwater), but NOT in a vacuum. This system also allows the Kra’Vak warriors to see through even the worst atmospheric conditions.

SG Rules for Kra’Vak

All Kra’Vak units have advanced sensors D10.

Kra’Vak units may operate in hostile environments, even underwater.

Kra’Vak units are never penalized for atmospheric conditions such a fog, rain, smog, etc.

Kra’Vak Armor

The armor used by Kra’Vak forces is a strange mixtures of ceramo-metallic compounds and bio engineered organic material. The armor is both flexible and extremely tough. A full suit of the armor only weights a surprising 4.5 kg, but once removed from the Kra’Vak warrior it looses it’s “flexibility”. The armor is actually inserted into different areas of the Kra’Vak body. It must be powered by the same “bio-fusion” process that powers the other Kra’Vak items. The armor’s metallic/ceramic plates are connected by a bio-engineered fibrous material that reacts to the Kra’Vak’s movement and bends according to this motion. This same material also seems to “enhance” the Kra’Vak’s strength. Enabling them to carry larger combat items without fatigue, leap large distances in a 1G environment, run exceedingly fast (up to 20km/hr) for extended periods.. Kra’Vak have been known to operate days in the field without any sign of fatigue. This bio material is almost as strong as the ceramo-metallic plates and seals the armor very well. Only a few exposed areas are present on any Kra’Vak warrior. In a deep space environment, there appears to be ‘extra” pieces added to the same armor layout that seals the suit from vacuum. The back of the armor has a bio-engineered processing plant that provides cooling to the suit, a breathable atmosphere and organic waste disposal for its wearer. It appears that the Kra’Vak rarely take their armor, as no Kra’Vak has ever been seen without it. It was assumed for a time that this was actually the Kra’Vak’s skin. It provides good protection against small arms fire, it’s lightweight, non-restrictive to its wearer, enhances physical ability and provides protection against biological, nuclear and chemical agents. There are many areas on the armor to “plug in” other pieces of equipment to provide “power” to them. The armor also incorporates a large titanium carbide blade that can be ejected out of the arm. The Kra’Vak use this weapon in great effect in close combat.

SG Rules for Kra’Vak Armor

Armor Value: D8

Move Rate 8” D8” (3D8 Burst Move)

Kra’Vak ignore chemical weapons, radiation and biological compounds. Kra’Vak in an environmentally sealed suit (against vacuum or hostile environments) have their move rate shifted down one die, but suffer no other penalties. Kra’Vak can also operate in a variety of temperature conditions from searing hot to freezing cold without penalties.

The same process that helps move the armor also enhances the Kra’Vak physical prowess. Kra’Vak can carry heavy objects without penalty. A Kra’Vak warrior can carry another warrior without move penalties, Leap up a single story, etc. It also makes the Kra’Vak more deadly in close combat. With the enhanced strength and large incorporated blade the Kra’Vak get an automatic die shift in close combat AND are treated as if wearing powered armor. Kra’Vak can operate days in the field without fatigue. Kra’Vak unit may conduct "burst movement” which is 3d8. After doing the move it must make a normal task check. Failure results in winding which gains it one suppression. Any Kra’Vak wounded but recovered in subsequent wound die roll in CC goes into Frenzy, Gets plus 1 die shift (again) in CC and cannot leave CC until all targets killed or it is killed.


  1. More neat stuff! So are you going to make your own MTO out of these?
