Monday, September 30, 2019

Tanker's Tuesday: British ground forces : War Thunder

Warriors! A new combatant joins the ground forces battles of War Thunder in update 1.55 “Royal Armour” - British armoured vehicles. A complete tree from three dozen authentically recreated vehicles will stand up for the honour of the Crown.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mecha Monday: Buddy Complex

A high school boy travels 70 years into the future, landing in the middle of a world war being fought with giant robots that require two pilots to operate in sync and forming a partnership with ace pilot Dio to help defend the Free Pact Alliance.

Panfilov's 28 — The Official Main Trailer

USSR, Late November, 1941. Based on the account by reporter Vasiliy Koroteev that appeared in the Red Army's newspaper, Krasnaya Zvezda, shortly after the battle, this is the story of Panifilov's Twenty-Eight, a group of twenty-eight soldiers of the Red Army's 316th Rifle Division, under the command of General Ivan Panfilov, that stopped the advance on Moscow of a column of fifty-four Nazi tanks of the 11th Panzer Division for several days. Though armed only with standard issue Mosin-Nagant infantry rifles and DP and PM-M1910 machine guns, all useless against tanks, and with wholly inadequate RPG-40 anti-tank grenades and PTRD-41 anti-tank rifles, they fought tirelessly and defiantly, with uncommon bravery and unwavering dedication, to protect Moscow and their Motherland.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Stalingrad: The Campaign

Army University Press in association with the Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate presents an overview of the German invasion of the Soviet Union in its documentary film, Stalingrad: The Campaign. Opening with Operation Case Blue in 1942, this documentary covers the German advance east and its eventual culmination. The film concludes with the Soviet counterattack, Operation Uranus, and the surrender of the German Sixth Army in February 1943. This film also highlights current U.S. Army doctrine as it relates to large scale combat operations, most notably in offensive operations, counterattacks, lines of communication, and sustainment of tempo.

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

A-10 with a P-51 Mustang paint job makes us want to BRRRT like it’s 1945

The paint job was the work of the Air Force's A-10 Demonstration Team, based out of Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona, and was inspired by the storied P-51 Mustang of World War II – a fighter-bomber that was the U.S. military's answer to Axis fighters and ground forces alike.

A10 Retro Paint Job

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Warhammer 40,000? NO!! It's Stargrunt 2!!

Stargrunt II is a comprehensive set of generic rules for simulating science-fiction infantry combat in virtually any background. The system covers actions from a few squads up to full company level. Rules are included for infantry, powered armored troops, AFV's, artillery and aerospace support and much much more. The game is designed for use with 25mm or 15mm scale miniatures. The game has a flexible integrated game sequence, minimal record keeping and a brilliant system of distinguishing troop quality. The game encourages the players to think tactically. There are rules for troop confidence, motivation, suppression and much more.

This game is now available as a free download from Ground Zero Games.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Megaforce clip

My all time favorite high cheese movie, that anyone who has ever gamed with me has been subjected to! I saw this master piece at the army theater on FT Lewis Wa with a bunch of other GIs (non-stop laughter and thrown popcorn ). It is still a guilty pleasure!

Future War Stories: Military Sci-Fi Oddities: MEGAFORCE (1982)

Future War Stories: Military Sci-Fi Oddities: MEGAFORCE (1982): Out of the mists of time and space came a convergence of the military and science fiction genres fueled by the hopefulness of the just beg...

Why Do We Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day and Other Fake Holidays?

Got plans for September 19, 2019? You do now: It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So prepare your timbers to be shivered and wait… what? Is this seriously a holiday? What is this all about? And why, exactly, is there a formal holiday for not just pirates but for talking like pirates? You have questions. We have (weird) answers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mecha Monday: Macross Mecha Manual

Monday's weekly post for the Macross Mecha Manual Facebook page has generated great interest and numerous comments. Many fans have been asking questions that ponder how the VF-1 Valkyrie compares to real world fighter craft. Fans have also expressed concerns the VF-1 Valkyrie is too small or is rather odd when depicted at its official size.

To place the VF-1 Valkyrie in proper context, I've made a quick chart using images from the internet. It's a bit rough and low resolution, but it works. Rather than choosing fighters far larger or far smaller than the VF-1, I've picked several real fighter craft that are roughly the same size. This should help fans visualize the VF-1 Valkyrie in proper context. It should also show fans that despite its modest length, the VF-1's volume and construction are rather generous for a craft of its size.

Macross Mecha Manual

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mecha Monday: Bounty Hunter Lance

The Bounty Hunter in his Mad Cat II and a collection of knaves almost ready for their next bounty retrieval mission.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Terrains 4 Games 15mm-modern

💥Recently finished project (first WIP photos) - exhibition diorama in 1:100 (15mm) scale with Hesco fortification made to special order for Megmar Logistic &Consulting Ltd.😲🖤
💥On photos you can see example military base in Europe based on HESCO Mil deffensive barriers and bastions ... and our models - modern polish forces, Humvee & KTO Rosomak.
💥On photos you can see example military base in Europe based on HESCO Mil defensive barriers and bastions ... and our models - modern polish forces, Humvee & KTO Rosomak.
Tterrains 4 Games 15mm-modern

Remote Control Tank Battle Starts

American Armoured Foundation Tank Museum located in Danville, VA.  Besides an amazing display of over 100 armored vehicles, they also feature an elaborate, miniature indoor battlefield for 1/16 scale Remote Control Tanks!  Participants travel from many states to join the group event held several times a year.

The tanks are fitted with an Infra Red battle system which, when the tank receives a hit, disables it from firing and moving for a number of seconds. Each tank has a finite number of lives before it is permanently disabled until the end of the game.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tankers Tuesday : How Do Tanks Tactics Work?

The M1 Abrams series of tanks are a powerful piece of military hardware. But it is completely useless without the correct tactics, drills, crew and procedures to make it do its job effectively.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mecha Momday: Glory to the Draconis Combine!

Jan Hewlett's force is growing, a few units infantry and tanks are still missing. He needs to print a few Myrmidons...

Sorensons Sabres:
Busosenshi Shakir Jerrar HBK-4G Hunchback
Busosenshi Seyla Teresa Martinez PNT-9T Panther
Tai-i Daniel Sorenson HTM-27T Hatamoto-Chi
Busosenshi Elden Berardinelli SDR-5K Spider

Friday, September 6, 2019

15mm Wargaming for Fun and Sanity: OAAH Mars - again, same, but added dimension

15mm Wargaming for Fun and Sanity: OAAH Mars - again, same, but added dimension: Racking it up.  First, I decided to go from last weeks just over 2,000 points to 3,000. So this was my first "mundane" take ...

Monday, September 2, 2019

15mm Wargaming for Fun and Sanity: OAAH Mars Euxinus Lacus vs Herculis.

15mm Wargaming for Fun and Sanity: OAAH Mars Euxinus Lacus vs Herculis.: Once again it's Mars.  Here be giant, but no worms. Here we take another step towards February.  Just one more to go.  Then I have a s...

Mecha Monday: Dan's Mech force so far

So my Mechwarrior clix have arrived, here is a group shot with some of the other Mech I have built so far, Dan's Mech Force