Saturday, June 30, 2018

Empire 1937 ( Chinese Vs Japanese)

The attack on the train station by Chinese troops and counter attack by

a Japanese armored train are particularly well done.

A Retrospective Ten Year Anniversary 

Posts 2273
Page views 1,072.376
Although I actually started this blog in Apr of 08 it really didn't get going till June, so here we are.
Not too bad I think, tanks to everyone who has dropped by!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tanker's Tuesday: Biggest Airsoft Game Ever - Armored War VIII in Russia

Tim had the opportunity of a lifetime to part take in what Russia calls, 'The Biggest Game In Russia.' There were all sorts of tanks, APCs and many other vehicles roaming around the area, rockets being fired from all directions and tanks firing blanks.  Only in Russia can you get real tanks and APCs in an Airsoft game!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Which Sci-Fi Faction has the BEST DEFENDED HOMEWORLD? | Sci-Fi Factions ...

We look at bases and homeworlds on today's episode of sci-fi factions compared!

Mecha Monday: Armored Trooper Votoms Trailer

Armored Trooper VOTOMS (装甲騎兵ボトムズ Sōkō Kihei Botomuzu) is a 52-episode anime television series, created by Ryosuke Takahashi and Sunrise, featuring mechanical designs by Kunio Okawara. The series originally aired in Japan from April 1, 1983 to March 23, 1984 on TV

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Fight For The High Ground!

*Location* Graveskul Orbit *Background* The War for New Texas is in full swing, and in the previous action  the telemetry of fighters that engaged revealed the location of the enemies' capital ships. Cpt. Thuries, commanding the Shelley, coordinates with the Lone Starr ...and both ships max thrust to intercept The Dragon and Cerberus eagerly turn to meet them ...and the Lone Starr and Shelley deploy their boarding teams to be ready for whatever the battle brings. LAUNCH FIGHTERS! The initial salvos are savage. Unexpectedly, the allies roll... ...
The Battle Of Two Moons

Saturday, June 23, 2018


In U.C.0072, the Principality of Zeon begins development of a super-tank equipped with a nuclear fusion reactor and able to attack tactical targets such as armored fortresses or Big Tray-class land battleships. The Hildolfr was completed in U.C. 0077. Rather being called a Mobile Armor, it belongs to a category of its own, termed "Mobile Tank." As a tank, the YMT-05 Hildolfr is a mobile weapon designed for tactical artillery combat on Earth. Though having a relatively large and heavy frame, the tank is surprisingly fast and agile, and is equipped with a powerful 30 cm cannon that is capable of firing various projectile types with a maximum range of 32 kilometers. The power of the cannon is so great that the Hildolfr needs to be braced or else risk being knocked over by the sheer force of the shot's recoil. It is also equipped with multiple smoke dischargers.

YMT-05 Hildolfr

YMT-05 Hidolfr

The YMT-05 Hidolfr is a prototype transformable mobile battle tank that was designed and built in anticipation of a Zeonic Earth invasion plan to counter the Ea...rth Federation's plethoras of battle tanks and Guntanks, but the advent of the more promising mobile suits relegated its development to a standstill. However, a call for re-evaluation of its technology sent it with a crew to the deserts of Arizona where it will perform in combat conditions...

Happy Father's Day......

My kids asked what I wanted for father's Day, I replied , My sperm back......:p

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

TJOTMS, Ep 18: Arrival - Battle of Apache Canyon

Well They've gone and done it!  Hats off boys great game and the lead up was to die for!

From The Major:
*The big weekend finally arrived. We played 8 games (7 connected) games and it really lived up to everything I thought it would....* *Background* After fighting her way across Sector Six and beyond, the KCS Mary Shelley has finally arrived at her goal, New Texas: the source of teleportium and possibly the key to galactic wide instantaneous galactic wide teleportation. (see all previous posts labeled "Voyages of the Mary Shelly") Unfortunately, not only is the planet engulfed in a brutal Civil War, but the sworn enemy of Colores, the 4th Reich, has also sent a warship to New Texas.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Mecha Monday: Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01

The Madox-00 is armed with a rifle that fires large caliber rounds, a spear in the left hand, and a grapple claw located in the pelvis.
The Madox-01 is equipped with built-in chainsaw located in the left & right shoulder binder, a claw hand on the right arm, and by default a laser-guided mini-gun mounted on the right arm. During the demo against remote tanks the Madox-01's mini gun is removed and armed with a twin anti-tank rocket system and wing mounted mini missile launchers. The Madox-01 has a large array of addition weapons and is deployable from a Blackhawk Helicopter.
A Madox-02 was referred to by Ellie, although it was said to be in maintenance and is never shown, except for a brief glimpse beforehand of it on static display at the test grounds during the demonstration in the opening scene of the OVA.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Reflections On D Day

Today marks the 74th anniversary of one of the most significant
events of the twentieth century, the Normandy invasion. As this
event makes me think of all those veterans of that war that all
around me as a kid, and we see less and less of as time goes on.
It caused me to reflect and remember on that very important day.
I've known two gentlemen that were involved in D Day, who have
long since passed on and many others in different theaters of that
massive conflict, and a few that were on the other side that either
immigrated here or that I met while serving in the US Army in
other parts of the world. It is fitting that we remember their service
and sacrifices. It is my hope that next year there are fitting
commemorations held by all respective governments......

Tribute To My Grandfather (Written Several Years Ago)

Heinz Muller
My grandfather was my maternal grandmother's second husband, and therefore
of no blood relation to me however, I knew no other grandfather growing up. Both
my biological grandfathers lived until I reached adulthood but, I saw them not often
because of the distance of where they lived.
Papa Henni, as I knew him had one of the most interesting of lives, born in Germany
and growing up there after WWI in a small farm village in East Prussia, it was easier
to get to his uncle's fields by cutting through Poland! it even resulted in him getting
shot at by Polish boarder guards a few times. Because of where and when he grew
up he developed a great facility for language, he grew up speaking German, Polish,
Russian, Slovak, and later learned English and Japanese.He in early teens was an
ardent anti-nazi, he told me of putting sand down the gas tanks of army trucks! He
then would put it like this; "I was asked to politely leave at the business end of a
Kar98!" Not surprising given another of his stories where he tells of his village where
half the houses are flying the flag of the Weimar Republic the other half the nazi flag,
his house had the old Imperial battle flag because his uncle Willy was convinced that
the Kaiser would return! So perhaps it was no shock that My grandfather would go
against the authorities...
In 1936 he came to the states with his father and later followed by his uncle Willy,
He became an American citizen in 1940 and after Pearl Harbor joined the US Army
and went to Training in Mississippi, where he also taught German to Officers
heading to Europe. He as A German was sent to the Pacific theater. His first stop
was for several months in Schofield BKS Hi, where he stayed in the same building
that I was assigned to many years later, I Quad. His tails of training there came
home to me many times as I marched over the same ground that he did many
years before me
He went on to the Pacific theater where in one story he was watching a PBY being
worked on and a naval officer asked him "Sergeant do you like what you see, my
Grandfather replied as he said (like an idiot) Yes Sir" He was then asked could he
fire a 50 cal Machine -gun he replied "Yes sir , on the ground" the officer said it
shouldn't mater...The next thing he knew he was in the right bubble manning the
50 cal flying out over the islands in a PBY. He didn't go too much into detail about
that other than saying he gunned allot of tomato gardens, later learned that was
slang for any Japanese installation.The next stories he told me involved running into
various islanders that were fluent in German! In the first story he is walking along
this recently occupied island and hears someone singing "Watch On The Rhine"
a very patriotic German song being done in flawless German, he walks up and
finds this little old man cutting vegetables who as it turned out used to work in the
German governors mansion. In the next story he and another German American
GI are at this elaborate ceremony
where the chief is in the full black top hat and
tails but spats and no shoes. My grandfather speaking in German to his friend
said you think they could have got him some shoes...Then thinking nothing about
it is approached by the same Chief who proceeds in perfect German to apologias
for his lack of proper attire etc...My grandfather said he felt about 2 inches tall at
that point, lol.
The next things he really went into were how he learned Japanese from a Buddhist
monk while on occupation duty in Japan. I guess the reason I thought of all these
things was I turn 53 tomorrow 11 Jan, and was going back over the many things I
learned from this very interesting man, and how it was really him that caused me
to make a career in the army.Sadly Papa Henni passed away just before Germany
was reunified and didn't live to see that, I'm sure he would had allot of interesting
things to say. The other reason that brought all this to mind was my friend Tim was
showing some of his Japanese aircraft models and my mind sort of went back to
these thoughts. There are so many other stories that I half remember now and so
many other life lessons he taught me, that of all the people I've met in my life he I
miss the most.....

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Far Alamo

Far Alamo – Your Western Heroes Vs the Bugs from Starship Troopers
by the director of "Darth by Darthwest (Fabrice Mathieu)
has done it again. Known for his unusual (and unlikely) movie mashups
this time Fabrice takes us to the wild west and to the far-flung edges of
our galaxy. A host of western heroes (John Wayne, Yul Brynner,
Clint Eastwood and so on!) face off with the horde of bugs from the
movie Starship Troopers.
Far Alamo