Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tanker's Tuesday:T-27



Based on the Carden-Loyd Mk.VI

Like the Vickers 6-ton and the Vickers Amphibious model acquired at the same time, the Soviet Union’s UMM special commission bought the Mk.VI in 1929, already a world market success. This was the export model, characterized by a rear engine compartment and a pyramidal structure protecting the crew’s heads. It corresponded to an Army requirement for a light reconnaissance tank. The vehicle undergone a series of trials but production was delayed as the general staff was displeased with it. A preseries was apparently built (unknown quantity) on the original British plans in 1930. Changes were made by Chief Engineer N. Kozyrev and chief Engineer K. Sirken at Zavod No. 37 near Moscow in 1931. They included a scaled-up hull, many reworked details to cope with the Russian climate and terrain, new engine and transmission, a new, sturdier running gear, extended rear storage and a new mount for the main machine-gun, the Soviet-built 7.62 mm (0.3 in) DT, fed with 2520 cartridges.

T27 A

Tanker's Tuesday: T-27A Tankette

From Peter Fitzpatrick at Shouting Into The Void
This is my 3d-printed Soviet T-27A Tankette in 1/100 (15mm) scale,
along with a Peter Pig WW1 British artilleryman for scale. I thought
it turned out pretty well, for a WSF print.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

OFFICIAL - GZG: 24 hour flash sale for Bank Holiday Monday!

Hi all, a quick update: If folks on here could do me the favour of spreading this around all the usual websites, blogs and various sites where people may find it of interest, that would be very much appreciated - especially as this is time-sensitive in that the sale starts in about 30 hours and ends again 24 hours after that!

UPDATE - SATURDAY 28th May 2016:
May seems to have passed in a blur, orders have been coming in and going out regularly (I'm fully up to date with all orders at the moment so turnround times have been back to the expected "rapid response" in most cases) while I've been having to deal with quite a lot of stuff regarding my late Mum's estate, and suddenly it's the Late May (Whitsun) Bank Holiday - so just on a whim, I'm doing a 20% off store-wide sale for 24 HOURS ONLY, from midnight on Sunday 29th until midnight on Monday 30th! To claim the discount all you need to do is place and pay for your order during that 24 hour period, using a special discount code that I will post on the store on Sunday 29th. There will be no minimum order value for the discount to apply, so if you want to get 20% off just a single pack of figures that is fine - but as usual the discount will NOT apply to postage/shipping rates, as sadly the miniatures don't magically get lighter when their prices are discounted!
Oh, and PLEASE remember that the timings of the sale start and finish will be strictly by UK TIME, so make sure you take account of the time zone differences wherever in the World you are!
Please drop back to rhe store again on Sunday 29th for details of the code to use and further info on the sale.....
Thanks for reading!
Jon (GZG) 28th May 2016.

Tanker's Tuesday: Humber LRC

The Humber Light Reconnaissance Cars were lightly armored wheeled vehicles built on the chassis of Humber's 1938 Super Snipe passenger sedans. Production of the Mk I variant, known as "Ironside" (after General Edmund Ironside) and as the nickname "Humberette" (as a counterpart to the contemporary vehicle design Beaverette), production began in Jul 1940; although 1,200 Mk I vehicles were ordered, only 200 were built as Mk II was ready for production in 1941

Tanker's Tuesday: Humber LRC (15mm)

By Peter Fitzpatrick

Not one of my own designs for a change, this is the 15mm (1/100 scale) Humber LRC (Light Reconnaissance Car) from Battlefront

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: Critical Mass Games Protolene (Kra'Vak) Assault Su...

Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: Critical Mass Games Protolene (Kra'Vak) Assault Su...: Two posts in one day.  Another addition today for my Kra'Vak forces: robotic assault suits.  My Kra'Vak forces needed some large bat...

Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: GZG 15mm Kra'Vak Grav Tanks

Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: GZG 15mm Kra'Vak Grav Tanks: This week I am returning to 15mm Sci-Fi, taking a break from Battletech for a bit.  This was spawned by a parcel in the mail: my Kra'Va...

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tanker's Tuesday: Char 2C

The Char 2C had a loaded weight of 69 tonnes, partly because of its armour - 45 mm at the front, 22 mm at the sides - but much of it just because of its huge size. The armour was among the thickest of World War I-era tanks, though by modern standards this would be considered thin. It is still easily the largest tank ever taken into production. With the tail fitted, the hull was over twelve metres long. Within its ample frame there was room for two fighting compartments. The forward compartment was crowned by a three-man turret (the first such in history) mounting a long 75 mm gun, and the second, at the rear of the tank, was topped by a machine gun turret. Both turrets had stroboscopic cupolas. The three independent 8 mm machine gun positions at the front gave protection against infantry assault.
The Char 2C is the only super-heavy tank ever to attain operational status — a super-heavy tank is not simply a tank that is very heavy but one that is much heavier than regular tanks of its period. The next operational tank to approach its weight would be the German Tiger II heavy tank of World War II.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: Old Crow 15mm Sci Fi Hammers Slammers Hover Tanks

Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: Old Crow 15mm Sci Fi Hammers Slammers Hover Tanks: Getting back to 15mm Sci fi: here is something that I have had kicking around in my display cabinet forever, Hammers Slammers Blower Hover T...
Always liked these but you can't find the rest of the Old Crow line right now.
The Hammers Slammers Blower tanks and combat cars have been picked up by 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tanker's Tuesday: Soviet T-24 Medium Tank

Peter Fitzpatrick at Shouting Into The Void
finished modelling the Soviet T-24 medium tank of 1932 in 1:100 scale, for 15mm gaming. It's a lot lumpier than the original: due to printing size limitations, things like rivets, track links and what-have -you have to be hugely over-scale to show up at all. It generally looks OK in the flesh. Photographs of the original are pretty thin on the ground, and tend to be very grainy and blurry, so I've had to make a few semi-educated guesses about some structures. It's available for sale from Shapeways, at http://shpws.me/Ma76. It's $15.00 in WSF, or $32 in FUD.

Tanker's Tuesday: T-12 / T-24

The T-24 prototype was completed in 1931, and permission was given by the VTU to make 24 vehicles. One of the first T-24s was urgently sent to Kubinka for comparative trials with T-12. Initial trials were conducted, during which performance was found satisfactory, although the prototype’s engine caught fire, and the turret had to be transferred to a T-12 prototype for further testing. The 45mm gun was not ready for any T-24 tanks, so tests were conducted without them. Having been accepted into service with only a DT, they eventually received guns in 1932.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Lanchester Mk.II BY Shouting Into The Void

Peter Fitzpatrick at Shouting Into The Void
This is my 1:100 scale (15mm) Lanchester Mk.II that I had printed in high-definition black acrylate by Shapeways. The color is supposed to be the British army's *Deep Bronze Green*, their standard peace-time color for AFVs on home service during the interwar period. It's a color that consistently defeats me; I can never seem to get close to it. Vallejo do a Bronze Green in their VMC range, but it's nothing like the army color, being more like the color of actual green bronze.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tanker's Tuesday: Steam Land-Ship Improbable

From: Peter Fitzpatrick at Shouting Into The Void

Her Majesty's Steam Land-Ship Improbable is ready now to go steaming across the veldt.

Except that now that I look, I suddenly realise that I completely forgot the funnel.


So, not quite finished. But nearly!

A bit later....

I added the funnels and replaced the pictures, so now I'm done.