Sunday, January 26, 2014

I.M.P.S. The Relentless Chapter 2

The second installment of IMPS The Relentless saga, produced by Blacksheep Productions.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday:Cruiser Tank Mark 1, A9, A9E1, C.S.

Designed by Vickers in 1936 and built for the purpose of replacing the 
aging Medium Mark 1 and 2. It was to incorporate the best features of 
the cancelled A6 project. This tank was in active service from 1938 to 
1941. The Close Support (C.S.) version mounted a 3.7" howitzer in 
place of the 2 pounder main gun. The Germans were known to have 
used a few captured Mark 1 C.S. tanks in North Africa as late as 1942. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday: M1 Abrams Battle Tank

"The first M1 Abrams battle tanks were delivered to the US Army
in 1980. In all 3,273 M1 tanks were produced for the US Army."

Monday, January 13, 2014

Dust, Tears & Dice: Fist Full of Tripods - Play Test

Dust, Tears & Dice: Fist Full of Tripods - Play Test: Following on from my previous post, Sunday saw an opportunity to play out the Martian invasion of England. The Martians had broken out...

Last Of The Birthday Loot

                      Rebel Miniatures 4 Star Army Platoon Packs

Painted FOW German Platoon
Heer light infantry Blister 15mm by Trench2114, 10 Squads


Friday, January 10, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday: Centurion Main Battle Tank

The development of the Centurion Main Battle Tank began in 1943
when the British Army asked for a new cruiser tank equipped with
at least a 17-pounder gun. They wanted a fast tank that, even though
heavily armored, would perform well in cross-country travel.
Prototypes of the new tank, known as the A-41, were built and sent
to Germany in 1945, but the war ended before they saw combat