Saturday, April 30, 2011

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Real battleship gaming

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Real battleship gaming: "Speaking of dreadnoughts, how about playing wargames on an actual battleship? A Texas gamer sent a message to several mailing lists providi..."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Victory is mine!

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Victory is mine!: "... the Victory -class super galactic dreadnought, that is. To celebrate the new look for the eponymous blog title, I thought I'd share so..."

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Super Galactic Dreadnought: It's finished!

Super Galactic Dreadnought: It's finished!: "I spent some time Friday evening painting up the pride of my fleet, the Terran Victory -class super galactic dreadnought . FYI, I put this..."

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Campaign wishes

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Campaign wishes: "I want to run a campaign with battles like this on a regular basis. Part of what makes spaceship combat gaming interesting to me is the b..."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Campaign Ideas

My friend over on Super Galactic Dreadnought
had a few questions
about doing a star ship campaign, here are my answers:
Had a few ideas how to go about this that I wanted to run by you.
I must admit up front to being a big Firefly fan, so here goes.
Place the planetary system in-between two rival powers with
a civil war ongoing backed covertly by the two powers. This is
where your players come in.You give your players each a
Corvette classed ship (second line)and they have to be the
gun runners one of the sides in the conflict. They would have
to pick up the weapons transport them back to the planet, moon,
space station or faction ship. All the while avoiding both the small
planetary defense forces of the other faction and patrol ships of
the other major power.
This campaign can be run by you separately and then folded into
my bigger campaign this summer...more on that to follow.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Federation SSD 2

These were also created by David W.Griffin

As I told the owner of Super Galactic Dreadnought
consider the gauntlet officially thrown!

Federation SSD 1

These were created by David W.Griffin

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jackson Gamers' NAMES For the Players

A bit of a change of pace....been eyeing my vast collection of medieval troops...Time to blow the dust off them, and with that in mind!

Every medieval leader or king who was anybody had a nickname. Think of "Charles the Bold", "Richard the Lionhearted" or Sulieman "the Magnificent". Now our players can have a nickname too. Each player will roll a D20 before the game starts and can find his "Battle name" on this chart. If a name is already taken, use the one below it. If that takes you "past 20" on the list, wrap back to the name number 1.

The Bold
The Bloody
The Strong
The Firm
The Weak
The Idle
The Flatulent
The Greedy
The Grasping
The Valiant
The Rapacious
The Plunderer
The Little
The Great
The Evil
The Pious
The Drunkard