Thursday, February 26, 2009

Super Heavy Tank Prototype

Proposed New Super Heavy Tank Prototype Unveiled

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Beamstrike allows sci-fi combat in any science fiction era you desire, four 'ERA' booklets are available spanning the entire Human races history from the contemporary, through the near future, the heyday of the Imperium, to the end of the universe. The Imperial era book, contains information, background, weapons and points values for troops/ armies in play during the great Imperialist era, while the Borrowed time era book gives statistics for troops battling in the very far future. The Segregation Era book allows near future battles and finally the Contemporary Era booklet meticulously details weapons and vehicle types currently in use.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Old School Wargamer Library

From: Col. Campbell's Barracks:

In a previous post, I described getting Wargame Tactics by
Charles Grant as a late Christmas present (thanks to an Amazon
gift certificate). So I decided to determine what books I had in
my personal library that might qualify as "Old School" wargames
books. I've come up with at least these six.