Friday, December 26, 2008

Wargaming 'Not The Usual Suspects'

A short how to, and guide to commercial armaments of the inter war years

First of all what are the 'usual suspects' to which I refer? In WW2 wargaming, its Germans, Russians, British, Americans and the Japanese. the 5 main protagonists of ww2. Between them however many smaller nations got pushed, shoved or just jumped into one camp or another. Often less well equipped, often poorly supported by their own poor logistics and aging weapons to have much effect. But sucked in they did get. France and Italy are included despite initially being Major protagonists.

I Ain't Been Shot Mum

For our WW2 games the rules of choice are Too Fat Lardies
"I Ain't Been Shot Mum"

Modelling Fortifications By James Brown

The simplest way to enhance your defenses is with the addition of a little static grass or flock. You should use the same flock as on your gaming table. The pictured set was decorated with Arid Static Grass and Parched Straw Static Grass from Gale Force Nine.

John Boultwood's Dad's Army

After reading Quintin Howard’s excellent article "Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler" in the briefing’s section, I thought it would make a good project to see if I could actually recreate this force out of Battlefront figures so do you mind awfully just falling in and I will try and explain how I made this force

The Stuart Hybrid

In June 1942 New Zealand received the first shipment of tanks from the U.S.A.. Known as the Stuart Hybrid these were late model M3 Light tanks which had been fitted with the flat-topped turret intended for the M3A1 Light tank but adapted for use on the M3. After an initial training course at the N.Z.A.F.V. School one was issued to each of the nine Mounted Rifle Regiments and the rest retained at Waiouru. More were received in September and were initially used to replace the Beaverette scout cars in the Mounted Rifle Regiments. Later on in the year these were reorganised and some were converted into armoured regiments with two squadrons of Stuarts and one of Valentines, or recce regiments with one squadron of Stuarts, one of Beaverettes and a motorised infantry company.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Alien Chronicles

Here there be UFO, Anomalies, & IFO Videos and of
Scenario ideas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brigade Models Christmas Sale

Ho Ho Ho! The boys at Brigade say:

So what does the Brigade cracker have in her stockings for you this year ... ?

15% off

Yep that's 15% off all of our models - Aeronef, starships, Land Ironclads, 15mm and 6mm tanks, Iron Stars, WWI Belgians ... all except Celtos, where we're being even more generous ...

And that's it - no minimum or maximum orders, just a blanket discount for the whole of December. So what are you waiting for, get shopping !?

The website will still show the full price of each item, but the price that goes into the PayPal shopping cart will be the discounted one.

There are just a few exceptions and conditions, as you might expect ... percentage shipping rates will still be charged at the full item cost, since we were unable to persuade the post office to match our offers ! The discount covers our metal and resin models - it doesn't apply to rulebooks, dice, bases, game mats or anything else that we don't manufacture ourselves, simply because the margins on those items are much tighter. However, starter packs with rules, dice or bases in are covered. Even with these limitations, we're sure you'll agree it's a mighty fine offer !

20mm WW2

Michael Sng Woei Shyong's World War II 1:72 and 1:76
scale collection. The bulk of the forces are late war

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dromonian Reserves Mobilized

Dromonia braces for it's annual invasion!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The aim of this project is to provide information to the English-speaking community about the role of the Soviet Army (RKKA) in World War II and to supply you with translated information from the Eastern side

Soviet Uniforms

  1. This soldier of Red Army's 29th Lithuanian Territorial Corps is wearing summer version of full-dress coat, Pattern 1930. The collar on such a coat was to be upright, but photographs of Lithuanian soldiers from 29th Corps show also turn-down collars with Soviet tabs sewn down on them. The distinctive uniform colour of Lithuanian Infantry was yellow. Soldier is armed with a Lithuanian made Mauzer L. rifle Northwestern Front, July 1941.
  2. Lieutenant commanding a cavalry scout platoon of Red Army's 22nd Estonian Territorial Corps. He is wearing a full-dress cavalry coat. Pattern 1936, red riding breeches and high cavalry boots authorized for wear in Estonian cavalry. The sabre is Estonian, Pattern 1925. The service cap is of Red Army combined-arms type. Pattern 1936. The insignia correspond to Soviet standards. North-Western Front, July 1941.

Operation 'Modular' Angola


This was a refight of the first major battle during Operation 'Modular' in Angola, which took place on 9/10 September 1987, when the South African Combat Group 'Bravo' (comprising the core of 32 'Buffalo' Bn, with two companies of 101 Bn) attacked a bridgehead that had been formed by FAPLA's 21 Mechanised Brigade, across the River Lomba.
As in history, despite a distinct materiel advantage over the light UNITA and South African forces, the FAPLA offensive was first stalled then destroyed by their highly-mobile, well-trained and veteran enemy, who were supported by excellent artillery.

Seize the Initiative

""Seize the Initiative" is a scenario based on battles fought on June 11th, 1944 for control of a salient between Caen and Bayeux. In effect, it combines and expands the scenarios for the Battles of Cristot and Le Mesnil Patry. The Germans are desperate to hold their positions for their long dreamt-of Panzer counterattack to the coast. The British and Canadians are moving onto the offensive after stabilising the bridgehead. They are trying to destroy one Regiment of the 12SS Hitlerjugend by taking this high ground west of Caen. The terrain leading to Cristot on the high ground in the west is dense bocage. Brouay, in the centre at the apex of the salient, has some woodland but more open ground. The approaches to Le Mesnil Patry in the east are across gently rising open fields of corn. The perimeter of the salient was held by four 12SS battalions - Aufklarungs, III/26 Panzergrenadier, II/26 Panzergrenadier and Pioneer Abteilung (from west to east). The attack was by three battalion-strength forces, each with varying levels of armour and artillery support. The Canadians (Queen's own Rifles) are attacking in the east (towards Le Mesnil Patry). Two battalions of The Green Howards (6th and 7th) form the basis of the western attacks against Cristot and Brouay.

Operation Epsom Day 3 The Scottish Corridor

By the third week of June, both sides were looking for other ways to achieve a breakthrough. The Germans were finally starting to bring significant new forces into Normandy. In particular, 1SS Panzer Division (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) and 2 SS Panzer Division (Das Reich) were on the move; but Rommel had still not been able to been able to relieve an increasingly tired Hitlerjügend with an infantry division. As new allied divisions continued to cross the channel, Montgomery was preparing to launch the first major set-piece assaults of the campaign. He had reviewed his plan for a pincer assault on Caen and had downgraded the assault in east, through the cramped Orne bridgehead. He decided that VIII Corps would make the main assault west of Caen, through Cheux, across the River Odon to Hill 112 and then across the Orne to isolate Caen from the south. This was "Operation Epsom".

Advance to Rostov Campaign Game

Tom Schumacher adapted an Advanced Squad Leader system for developing campaigns which can be found here. He used it to develop a campaign game set in the critical period after Stalingrad was surrounded in December 1942. The Russians attacked toward Rostov and threatened to cut off not only the troops in Stalingrad, but all those who had moved to the areas South and East and were not in the pocket. He and his group played this campaign game over several sessions, generating a series of linked scenarios.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Building Attractive Wargame Terrain

One of the reasons we game with miniatures instead of (or in addition to) computer and board games is the visual appeal of the gaming table and well painted figures. Fire and Fury Games' founder, Rich Hasenauer, is a graphic artist in "real life" and he uses his artist's eye to create attractive terrain for tabletop battles using relatively simple techniques. Here are some photos from a recent gaming session held at Dave Choat's house where we fought a two-table battle of a German assault on a Russian position. The pictures below show some of the techniques Rich uses to create an attractive tabletop and then we have some photos of the battle in progress.

A New Basing Technique

For this photo shoot, Richard developed a simple technique that adds texture to the bases with a minimum amount of work. In mass production, such as we used for the shoot, you can turn out lots of good looking bases in minimal time. As the result was quite good for the effort we expended, I decided to demonstrate this technique with a Pak 41/43 and crew that I had painted but not mounted.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Brixworth 2008

Down to two of us this year, due to Mr Mi and Gary both pulling out. As usual had three cracking games against Miles, Richard and Mark, will post more on this on the blog. But l won one and lost two. Oh well.... there is always next year! I think I said that last year!

Brixworth 2007

Only four of us this year, due to the change of date..... We also didn’t really have time to do anything special on scenery this year. But as usual all the games were good fun! Chris Kemp played my first game for me so I could take the photos. He had a convincing 45 point win over Ross Bowrage. I followed this with a 90 pt win over Matt Milton in a really fun game. Then I came up against Fred and lost by 60 points. Oh well.... there is always next year!

Brixworth 2006

An all time record this year with six of us from Great Yarmouth, and what a day it was with three fun games. My first against Roy lasted three turns and his helicopters failed to turn up. Then I was drawn against Shirley and did well on the political flow chart and forced all her units to come on in one corner with lots of rough ground. So two wins under my belt, the third game was against Chris, what hum-dinger but Chris came out with a marginal nine point win!

Brixworth 2005

Another good year - Highlights were Roy’s superb terrain and Ken’s Martian Army! But of course Chris Kemp came up with Dr Evil’s secret lair!

Brixworth 2004

Highlights this year, well Chris Kemps Akranoplan, the first use of helicopters and a super desert terrain!

Brixworth 2003

The first year! Highlights were the aircraft carrier on table 11 and the super little game park. Also the Harbour with a sunken ship called the MV Rising Panic. But the best was the large volcano! The armies were fun too!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wargaming World War II

Most of our WWII infantry is based on 1 1/4" squares, as specified in the PBI 2 rules, though many of us put officers on round bases for ease of identification, 1 1/4" or 1 inch (a 2p piece) in diameter.

These base sizes can equally well be used with several other rulesets such as the aforementioned Battlegroup Panzer-Grenadier but also Battlefront WWII, Crossfire, Command Decision 2 and Spearhead.

And We Can't Forget Poor Bloody Ztum - Setum!

This web site is dedicated to the Ztum - Setum wargames campaign being run by members of the South East Scotland Wargames Club using the AK47 Republic rules from the Rules for the Common Man (RFCM) team at Peter Pig. The name Ztum-Setum comes from the names given to the campaign area by two groups of tribes. The highland tribes call it Ztumsia while the lowland tribes insist on Setumsia.

Zin Zan

Zin Zan is a imaginary country in Africa that was thought up by Paul Hooper and Paul Mileham as a setting for our on going wargames campaign using the excellent AK 47 rules by Peter Pig. Many of the games are played at Great Yarmouth Wargames Club and many club members join in.

AK47 Republic

Welcome to the pages dedicated to gaming with the "AK47 Republic" rules published by Peter Pig. This section will grow as we play more and more of these games set in modern Africa

AK47 Photo File

AK47 is Peter pig's excellent set of rules for recreating the wars in Africa from the 1950s to the present. The rules are quick dutcheastindies/play don't require too many figures, and allow some tongue in cheek political manoeuvrings before the game starts.


A wonderful little blog, (cleared by Govt. Authorities), to
highlight the fun, frolic, and fantastic freaky funkiness of
the African Nation of Bongolesia in the world of AK47


AK47 and the African forces Supplement has been
written by the RFCM, (rules for the common man),
team and produced in two A4 spiral bound booklets.
The original AK47 rulebook deals with battalion level
actions in African conflicts from 1950-1990, whilst
the supplement covers African forces from 1990 to
present day and also includes Israeli actions in
Lebanon during the 1980's.