Friday, December 26, 2008

Wargaming 'Not The Usual Suspects'

A short how to, and guide to commercial armaments of the inter war years

First of all what are the 'usual suspects' to which I refer? In WW2 wargaming, its Germans, Russians, British, Americans and the Japanese. the 5 main protagonists of ww2. Between them however many smaller nations got pushed, shoved or just jumped into one camp or another. Often less well equipped, often poorly supported by their own poor logistics and aging weapons to have much effect. But sucked in they did get. France and Italy are included despite initially being Major protagonists.

I Ain't Been Shot Mum

For our WW2 games the rules of choice are Too Fat Lardies
"I Ain't Been Shot Mum"

Modelling Fortifications By James Brown

The simplest way to enhance your defenses is with the addition of a little static grass or flock. You should use the same flock as on your gaming table. The pictured set was decorated with Arid Static Grass and Parched Straw Static Grass from Gale Force Nine.

John Boultwood's Dad's Army

After reading Quintin Howard’s excellent article "Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler" in the briefing’s section, I thought it would make a good project to see if I could actually recreate this force out of Battlefront figures so do you mind awfully just falling in and I will try and explain how I made this force

The Stuart Hybrid

In June 1942 New Zealand received the first shipment of tanks from the U.S.A.. Known as the Stuart Hybrid these were late model M3 Light tanks which had been fitted with the flat-topped turret intended for the M3A1 Light tank but adapted for use on the M3. After an initial training course at the N.Z.A.F.V. School one was issued to each of the nine Mounted Rifle Regiments and the rest retained at Waiouru. More were received in September and were initially used to replace the Beaverette scout cars in the Mounted Rifle Regiments. Later on in the year these were reorganised and some were converted into armoured regiments with two squadrons of Stuarts and one of Valentines, or recce regiments with one squadron of Stuarts, one of Beaverettes and a motorised infantry company.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Alien Chronicles

Here there be UFO, Anomalies, & IFO Videos and of
Scenario ideas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brigade Models Christmas Sale

Ho Ho Ho! The boys at Brigade say:

So what does the Brigade cracker have in her stockings for you this year ... ?

15% off

Yep that's 15% off all of our models - Aeronef, starships, Land Ironclads, 15mm and 6mm tanks, Iron Stars, WWI Belgians ... all except Celtos, where we're being even more generous ...

And that's it - no minimum or maximum orders, just a blanket discount for the whole of December. So what are you waiting for, get shopping !?

The website will still show the full price of each item, but the price that goes into the PayPal shopping cart will be the discounted one.

There are just a few exceptions and conditions, as you might expect ... percentage shipping rates will still be charged at the full item cost, since we were unable to persuade the post office to match our offers ! The discount covers our metal and resin models - it doesn't apply to rulebooks, dice, bases, game mats or anything else that we don't manufacture ourselves, simply because the margins on those items are much tighter. However, starter packs with rules, dice or bases in are covered. Even with these limitations, we're sure you'll agree it's a mighty fine offer !

20mm WW2

Michael Sng Woei Shyong's World War II 1:72 and 1:76
scale collection. The bulk of the forces are late war