Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dromonian Reserves Mobilized

Dromonia braces for it's annual invasion!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The aim of this project is to provide information to the English-speaking community about the role of the Soviet Army (RKKA) in World War II and to supply you with translated information from the Eastern side

Soviet Uniforms

  1. This soldier of Red Army's 29th Lithuanian Territorial Corps is wearing summer version of full-dress coat, Pattern 1930. The collar on such a coat was to be upright, but photographs of Lithuanian soldiers from 29th Corps show also turn-down collars with Soviet tabs sewn down on them. The distinctive uniform colour of Lithuanian Infantry was yellow. Soldier is armed with a Lithuanian made Mauzer L. rifle Northwestern Front, July 1941.
  2. Lieutenant commanding a cavalry scout platoon of Red Army's 22nd Estonian Territorial Corps. He is wearing a full-dress cavalry coat. Pattern 1936, red riding breeches and high cavalry boots authorized for wear in Estonian cavalry. The sabre is Estonian, Pattern 1925. The service cap is of Red Army combined-arms type. Pattern 1936. The insignia correspond to Soviet standards. North-Western Front, July 1941.

Operation 'Modular' Angola


This was a refight of the first major battle during Operation 'Modular' in Angola, which took place on 9/10 September 1987, when the South African Combat Group 'Bravo' (comprising the core of 32 'Buffalo' Bn, with two companies of 101 Bn) attacked a bridgehead that had been formed by FAPLA's 21 Mechanised Brigade, across the River Lomba.
As in history, despite a distinct materiel advantage over the light UNITA and South African forces, the FAPLA offensive was first stalled then destroyed by their highly-mobile, well-trained and veteran enemy, who were supported by excellent artillery.

Seize the Initiative

""Seize the Initiative" is a scenario based on battles fought on June 11th, 1944 for control of a salient between Caen and Bayeux. In effect, it combines and expands the scenarios for the Battles of Cristot and Le Mesnil Patry. The Germans are desperate to hold their positions for their long dreamt-of Panzer counterattack to the coast. The British and Canadians are moving onto the offensive after stabilising the bridgehead. They are trying to destroy one Regiment of the 12SS Hitlerjugend by taking this high ground west of Caen. The terrain leading to Cristot on the high ground in the west is dense bocage. Brouay, in the centre at the apex of the salient, has some woodland but more open ground. The approaches to Le Mesnil Patry in the east are across gently rising open fields of corn. The perimeter of the salient was held by four 12SS battalions - Aufklarungs, III/26 Panzergrenadier, II/26 Panzergrenadier and Pioneer Abteilung (from west to east). The attack was by three battalion-strength forces, each with varying levels of armour and artillery support. The Canadians (Queen's own Rifles) are attacking in the east (towards Le Mesnil Patry). Two battalions of The Green Howards (6th and 7th) form the basis of the western attacks against Cristot and Brouay.

Operation Epsom Day 3 The Scottish Corridor

By the third week of June, both sides were looking for other ways to achieve a breakthrough. The Germans were finally starting to bring significant new forces into Normandy. In particular, 1SS Panzer Division (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) and 2 SS Panzer Division (Das Reich) were on the move; but Rommel had still not been able to been able to relieve an increasingly tired Hitlerjügend with an infantry division. As new allied divisions continued to cross the channel, Montgomery was preparing to launch the first major set-piece assaults of the campaign. He had reviewed his plan for a pincer assault on Caen and had downgraded the assault in east, through the cramped Orne bridgehead. He decided that VIII Corps would make the main assault west of Caen, through Cheux, across the River Odon to Hill 112 and then across the Orne to isolate Caen from the south. This was "Operation Epsom".

Advance to Rostov Campaign Game

Tom Schumacher adapted an Advanced Squad Leader system for developing campaigns which can be found here. He used it to develop a campaign game set in the critical period after Stalingrad was surrounded in December 1942. The Russians attacked toward Rostov and threatened to cut off not only the troops in Stalingrad, but all those who had moved to the areas South and East and were not in the pocket. He and his group played this campaign game over several sessions, generating a series of linked scenarios.