Monday, September 29, 2008

How To Build A Robot Army

Tips on Defending Planet Earth Against Alien Invaders,
Ninjas, and Zombies!
It goes without saying that robots kill. They hunt, swarm,
and fire lasers from their eyes. They even beat humans at
chess. So who better to stand with us when the real villains
arrive? Movies instruct us that, whether we like it or not,
we will one day be under siege by pirates, ninjas, zombies,
aliens, and Godzilla. Also great white sharks. And-let's face
it-we're not prepared. But with the advice contained in this
brilliantly illustrated, ingenious book, you can build your own
robot army to fend off hordes of bloodthirsty foes. From
common-sense injunctions ("never approach an unfamiliar
robot in a militarized zone") to tactical pointers ("low-power
radar beats cameras for detecting mummies in a fog-shrouded
crypt") to engineering advice ("passive-dynamic exoskeleton
suits will increase sprint speeds but not leg strength"), this book
contains all the wisdom you'll need to fend off the coming
apocalypse. Witty, informative, and utterly original,
How to Build a Robot Army is the ideal book for readers of
any age.

How To Survive A Robot Uprising

Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion
In this uncomfortably humorous survival guide, Wilson, a
Ph.D. candidate at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon
University, reminds readers that "any machine could rebel,
from a toaster to a Terminator," and though the forms our
future robot enemies may take are manifold, they each have
exploitable weaknesses that, fortuitously, match our natural
human strengths. So, if a two-legged android gives chase,
seek out a body of water, as "most robots will sink in water
or mud and fall through ice." It also may be a good idea to
carry around a pair of welder's goggles, as lasers will likely
be robot attackers' weapons of choice, and even a weak
laser can cause blindness. Options for fighting back are
plentiful, though not everyone will be relieved to learn the
standard kitchen microwave can be retrofitted into a radiation
gun that can destroy electronics and "cook human flesh."
(Instructions for such a project are not included.) Humorous
and informative-Wilson drops robotics history trivia nuggets
and includes brief descriptions of current robot research-this
nifty little guide to surviving the inevitable robot apocalypse
may have you reconsidering purchasing that "smart" (read:
insidious) refrigerator.

Lockheed FT-17D Shrike

Just in from Zack another outstanding creation!
I'm still waiting on the grotesquely over gunned
ground assault plane....)

New GZG 15mm Stuff - Images Up!

Hi All,

Jon was kind enough to send me some images of the new 15mm stuff, and as usual, the stuff is just freakin' beeee-oootiful. I'm guessing if I want some of the those bulldogs in 6mm, which I do, I need to get sculpting...

Anyway, you can view images on my gzg images page:

Individual models are not labeled by product number, but if you click on the link, the image name should ID them correctly.


China Vs Japan

With the production of Eureka Miniatures 15mm
WWII line there is now available an excellent selection
of Chinese troops suitable also for earlier conflicts.

That said here is some video inspiration!

Fb.7c Thunder

The Fb.7c Thunder was part of an Anglo-French project
to develop a joint planetary defense fighter.............

FT-19A Shrike

When the engineers at Lockheed Aerospace introduced
the FT-19A Shrike, they realized that they had a true
winner on their hands..........

MIG 233 Framer

In actual combat, the Framer has proven to be very
successful when operating in large numbers, but
extremely vulnerable when deployed singly or in

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Brixworth AK47

Brixcon is the annual AK47 tournament held in the small village of
Brixworth in Northamptonshire in the UK. The games are always
fun with many different interpretations of the rules.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Terra Secundus Wars (The Early Years)

Inspired by Chris Kemp's Not Quite Mechanized and
his NQM Summer Holiday Toy Soldier Campaign, I'm
working on these. I've got a mix of Inter War and early
WWII Soviets standing in for the FPPR. A mix of
Inter War and early WWII equipment (mostly Italian
and Japanese) to stand in for Monrovia. I'm thinking
that the Commonwealth of New Territories will be mostly
British, the BEE mostly American.The Caliphate of Hind
will be mostly WWI Turk with a mix of pre and early war
equipment. I'm thinking of doing Dromonia as French, Joe
You got those in WWI anyway! You can do the Margarine
Line...) The rules will be a slightly modified NQM.

Monday, September 15, 2008


AT-43 Initiation Set: Operation Damocles
The Initiation Set box is both a complete game for 2 players and an introduction to the rules of AT-43. The White Stars forces face, over several missions, the terrifying Therian aliens on one of their Factory-planets. These scenarios allow you to get acquainted with the basics of the game in a simplified form at first, and then step by step into strategic depth. The box contains all the necessary material for two players to play the six missions of the handbook.

Contents of the box:

  • 160 page full color Rules handbook in 5 languages (English, Spanish, German, Italian and French), with dozens of photos and illustrations;
  • 19 plastic miniatures, assembled and painted (17 foot soldiers and 2 Combat Striders);
  • 1 map (illustrated on both sides);
  • Terrain elements: 2 generators, 6 low wall sections, 1 container;
  • Game material: 6 Rackham d6, 1 AT-43 ribbon ruler, and 9 AT-43 reference cards.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

NQM Summer Holiday Toy Soldier Campaign

Chris Kemp's Not Quite Mechanized
In 2006, Chris ran a largely solo re-fight of Stalingrad on one
table. It worked well, so for 2007, that he may try something
like this again-a battle limited to one tabletop. This is handy,
as you can leave your wargames table set up. It represents the
border between the Empire of Bombastia, and the People's Tan
Republic for control of Oilfields. This year the two armies have
decided that the border is disputed, and worth fighting to a
standstill over.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I saw this on

Blissfully un-P.C. they have been part of British culture since ever i was a kid. I cannot remember walking into a newsagent and not seeing them on sale. This collection of twelve vintage stories is raising their profile again and introducing them to a younger generation who have been brought up on Manga and the like. There is also a companion volume called, perhaps predictably, The Dirty Dozen”

Never heard of this one!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Great blog with lots of info, and covering a bit more than WWII.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Full Thrust SSDs

Hello all,We're very pleased to announce that after
a lot of excellent work byDean Gundberg and numerous
other folks, a collected page of beta-teststats and SSDs
for almost ALL the new-design and other recently
released FULL THRUST ships is now up and available
for public use!Please take a look here:
This is a fantastic resource for all FT players old and
new, and includes all the new-style NAC, NSL, FSE and
ESU fleets, plus the UNSC, Japanese, Israeli, Islamics and
more! While the page has beenput together as an
independent project by Dean (Star Ranger), it is fully
sanctioned and approved by GZG (wow, that sounds almost
GW-esque... ). Please be aware that some parts of the page
are still works-in-progress, and that all designs are subject to
being fiddled about with in the light of any playtest responses
- feedbackis welcome, either to Dean or to us at GZG. But it's
there, and it'sFREE - so please have a look, use what you want,
and have fun!Jon (GZG)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lead Adventure Forum

A splendid forum with allot of interesting information.