Monday, August 25, 2008


The sequel that never quite made it.
After the success of Broken Allegiance in 2002 I was
inundated with emails from fans from all over the world
calling for a sequel, which had always been in the back of
my mind, but never really seriously considered as the
cost and time commitment of such a film essentially ties
you down for several years while making it which makes
things hard when you cannot profit from Star Wars fan films.
So I'd more or less dismissed the idea.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bloodaxe Minis Order!

I just got my order of 15mm WWI Russians and inter war Soviets,
I must say their sculpting is excellent! The figures compare in
size with those from Peter Pig but have I think a nicer animation.
The price on Bloodaxe miniatures is also far better for we
American customers since there is no exchange rate or high
shipping costs to deal with.

I bought one of their 1914 Russian Infantry Regiment WWI
UNIT PACKS for $14.95, this one was a particular good value
it is based around the Spearhead system and contained 50 infantry
2 officers and 4 machine gun teams. I'll be getting another of these
soon along with their German WWI pack.

I also got some of their interwar period Soviet infantry in Budenka
Cap, very nice figs!

This is a very new company that seems to have allot going
for it and great future lines soon going to be released like
FIRST ITALO-ETHIOPIAN WAR. I do highly recommend
this one guys, they are fast and communicate with their customers
every step of the way. I'm really looking forward to more from this


Saturday, August 16, 2008

GZG OFFICIAL New 15mm Tracked APCs!

Pics have just been posted on TMP at
so hop over there and take a look.
A little preview of our latest 15mm SF vehicles now entering
production (molds being made right now, the pics are of
assembled castings from the master molds). These will be
fully available in a few days, but please note that owing to
holidays, they may not be up on our store for ordering until
after the current Summer Discount Deal is finished - but, if
you are planning an order to take advantage of the deal and
you want some of these new minis, you can add them to your
order by asking us for them in the "comments" field and we'll
add them on for you.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tristan's Ogre & GEV Page

There’s no doubt – the Steve Jackson game OGRE,
and it’s sequel, GEV, have to be ranked among the
top wargames of all time. I first played them as a
teenager, and I rediscovered Ogre after finding it on
the web in late 2004. All these years later and I’m
enjoying the game more than I ever have.
Interesting naval interface to the rules as well as
OGRE On Mars!

Pan Pacific Alliance Strategic HQ

The Australasian Nations in the Last War; Homage to the Miniatures
and Board game editions of OGRE and GEV from Steve Jackson Games.
Includes the OGRE Recognition Manual, Photo Galleries and Combat
Imagery, the Antarctic Disputed Zone, Operation Sealion, fiction and

Flunk's OGRE Website

If you like OGRE/G.E.V. and OGRE Miniatures, you've come

to the right spot!

If you don't know what is OGRE all about, go to the "what' this"

section right now to get a quick education. If you are already an

OGRE fan, welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy this site. Be sure to

check back every month as I hope to keep the site updated on at

least that basis.

Brian's Wargame Pages

Contents of the Gaming Section:
This website is devoted to wargaming, mostly in hard
science fiction or fantasy settings. The rules I play include
Dirtside II (Ground Zero Games), Stargrunt II (GZG),
Full Thrust (GZG) and Fantasy Rules! (Chipco). I've got
house rules, Galleries of my own and other people's pictures
of miniatures & games, reviews, how-to articles, and even
some free stuff you can download.