Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Independent Gurkha Companies of the NAC Regular Army

By Adrian Johnson

This article discusses the 5th Independent Company of the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Brigade, Royal Gurkha Rifles. For an illustrated TO&E of one rifle platoon in this company, see my article on the subject in the Gallery and Modeling section STARGUNT.ca.

The Independent Companies of the reformed Gurkha units of the NAC Regular Army provide unparalleled expertise in infantry combat and act as "stiffening elements" for other regular NAC Army or Colonial Militia units. The Independent Companies are almost always deployed as an attached element to units such as the Battalion Battle Groups of the Royal New Anglian Light Infantry. Occasionally, Gurkha Companies will be deployed on their own to one of the NAC colonies to provide a core of expertise for the local Militia.

5 Independent Company has been semi-permanently attached to the 123rd Battalion Battle Group, Royal New Anglian Light Infantry, since their campaign together on Wallace in 2180. Wallace, a relatively new NAC colony in the outrim settled primarily by Scots and Nova Scotians, was only 18 years old at the time of the conflict, and had a small militia and no permanent NAC Army or Marine garrison. During that brief but intense fight, the Battle Group had to put down a mercenary insurrection sponsored by mineral smugglers, later traced to the FSE-Based Association pour le développement de ressource dans l'espace.

5 Independent Company has remained with 123RNALI in the Outrim almost continuously since 2180 on operations against the ESU and FSE forces in the region.

Gurkha Independent Companies are used for several types of operations:

  • Reconnaissance
  • Skirmishing and Irregular Warfare
  • Rapid Reaction and Rapid Deployment
  • Counter Insurgency
  • Force Enhancement
  • Extended Operations (note: these are "regular" fighting operations conducted in areas with long or interdicted lines of communication).

Gurkha Independent Companies are equipped with no integral heavy or complex equipment. These formations have small integral support and logsitics teams, but rely on their "parent" unit for other support in the field (heavy maintenance, etc). Like the Light Infantry, to whom they are often attached, they are often used in situations where lines of communication and supply are long or interdicted, and the demanding maintenance requirements of heavier units would be difficult or impossible to meet.

The Gurkhas are truly light troops, forgoing heavy ballistic armour, most vehicles and most heavy weapons to maintain their flexibility and vaunted speed in battle.

A note about unit designations: It should be noted that the nomenclature used for unit designations in the Independent Companies is reversed to that of much of the rest of the NAC army. Because these companies are tasked as Independent formations and rarely deploy with their parent battalion, they are given a Unit Number designation, instead of the usual letter designation, and their platoons are given letter designations.

Total Strength: 7 Officers, 207 Other Ranks (214 total troops).

Headquarters Platoon (2 Officers, 29 Other Ranks)

HQ Section (2 Officers, 6 ORs)
Major OC, Captain 2IC. The HQ section for the Company includes the commander and 2IC, the Company Sergeant Major, an operations staff of three, and two troopers who act as security and runners, if needed.

Quartermaster Section (8 ORs)
Sergeant OC. The QM Section takes care of supplies for the Company, and includes several qualified weapons technicians.

Signals Section (4 ORs)
Sergeant OC. The signallers maintain the company comms net, operate specialized long-distance equipment, and usually include at least one qualified EW operator.

Medical Section (1 Officer, 3 ORs)
WO OC. The Medical Section in an Independent Company is commanded by a senior medic. These specialists are qualified to perform emergency surgery, and can provide most necessary basic medical care.

Recce Section (8 OR)
Sergeant OC. This section is staffed by the members of the company who have demonstrated exemplary skills at being sneaky. They usually deploy as teams of two or four.

Heavy Weapons Platoon (1 Officer, 38 Other Ranks)

HQ Section (1 Officer, 8 ORs)
Lieutenant OC. The HQ section of the Weapons Platoon includes the platoon commander and 2IC, 3 trained Forward Observers, the platoon signals specialist, a SAW gunner, and a medic team of two.

GMS/L Section (10 Ors)
Sergeant OC. The GMS/L section consists of three GMS/L teams, with three troops per team. Each team is able to manpack a GMS/L system with a ground mount and five missiles, in addition to their personal weapons. If the platoon has access to light vehicles, each team will have a separate one and be issued with more ammunition.

RAM Mortar Section (10 ORs)
Sergeant OC. The Mortar Section operates 3 Light RAM mortars, with three troops per mortar. They can manpack the mortars and ammunition, with extra ammunition distributed among the rifle platoon troops if necessary. If the platoon has access to light vehicles, each mortar crew will have a separate one and be issued with more ammunition.

HMG Section (10 OR)
Sergeant OC. The HMG Section operates 3 HMG's, either Automatic Grenade Launchers or RFAC/1 on tripods. Each team of three can manpack their weapon and a limited amount of ammunition, but if the distance traveled is likely to be significant, the Section will carry only one or two weapons and more ammunition. If the platoon has access to light vehicles, this section is usually equipped with two or three.

4 x Rifle Platoons (1 Officer, 35 Other Ranks each)

HQ Section (1 Officer, 5 ORs)
Lieutenant OC. The HQ section includes the officer and platoon senior NCO, a signaller with the Platoon Long Range Tactical Relay Radio Station (PLRTRRS), a SAW gunner, and a medic team of two.

Weapons Section (6 Ors)
Sergeant OC. This section normally carries two GMS/P launchers and six missiles per launcher.

3 x Rifle Sections (8 ORs each)
Sergeant OC. Each Rifle Section includes a SAW gunner and a Marksman, in addition to the riflemen. Gurkha rifle sections are often liberally equipped with IAVRs.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Lightning Division

By John Atkinson

An Introduction to
The Lightning Division

The Lightning Division is an example of a mercenary unit that's more sucessful marketing than actual fighting power. Its' very name is a misnomer, as in size it is much more of a large brigade. In firepower, it is a weak brigade.


In accordance with long-standing custom, the Division's commander is a Colonel, and the 'Regiments' (large batallions) are commanded by Lieutenant Colonels.


The Lightning Division is recruited from a variety of sources, and is notionally registered in Sweden. The language of command is English, and terms and titles are a mix of US and UK practice.


The Lightning Division is tailored for security commitments and low-intensity conflicts. It very carefully avoids contracts that would place it in conflict with serious mechanized or armored units. It has no counter-battery assets to deal with enemy artillery, and very little armor, anti-armor, EW, or anti-aircraft capability. There are mortars, but few even of them.


Naming the unit a "Division" is a pure marketing ploy, and several other aspects are also straight marketing. The division uses a pure-black uniform and paint scheme that is very intimidating to disguise the fact that the unit actually has very low firepower and no mobility.


  • Division Headquarters
  • Recon Company
  • Artillery Battery
  • Air Defense Company
  • 3 Infantry Regiments
    • Headquarters Company
    • 4 x Infantry Companies
      • Headquarters Section
      • 3 x Infantry Platoons
      • Mortar Section
    • Weapons Company
      • Headquarters Section
      • Mortar Platoon
      • Recon Platoon
Recon Company (5 Officers, 37 Other Ranks)

    HQ Troop (2 Officers, 4 ORs)
    2 Armored Cars, 3 crew per Car.

    3 x Recce Troops (1 Officer, 11 ORs each)
    4 Armored Cars, 3 crew per Car.

Artillery Battery (2 Officers, 58 Other Ranks)

    HQ Section (2 Officer, 10 ORs)
    The HQ section of the Artillery Battery includes the battery commander and 2IC, trained Forward Observers, and signals specialists. 3 Jeeps, 1 Light Truck.

    4 x Gun Teams (12 ORs each)
    2 105mm Towed RAM Howitzers, 2 Light Trucks, 6 crew per gun.

Air Defense Company (2 Officers, 24 Other Ranks)

    HQ Section (2 Officer, 6 ORs)
    The HQ section of the Air Defense Company includes the company commander, 2IC, and signals specialists.

    4 x AD Teams (4 ORs each)
    2 Armored Cars, ADS Version, 2 crew per Car.

Infantry Company (5 Officer, 119 Other Ranks)

    HQ Section (2 Officers, 6 ORs)
    Commander, 2IC, 1SG, Supply Sergeant, Commander's driver, Armorer, 2 Signallers, 2xJeeps, 1xLight Truck

    3 Infantry Platoons (1 Officer, 35 ORs each)
    Platoon Headquarters: Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant, Medic
    3 Rifle Squads: Squad Leader, fire team A (Team Leader, GPMG gunner, assistant GPMG gunner, 2 rifleman), fire team B (Team Leader, RPG gunner, assistant RPG gunner, 2 riflemen).

    Mortar Section (8 ORs)
    2 60mm mortars, 3 crew each, Section Commander, specialist signaller.

Weapons Company (4 Officer, 42 Other Ranks)

    HQ Section (2 Officers, 6 ORs)
    Commander, 2IC, 1SG, Supply Sergeant, Commander's driver, Armorer, 2 Signallers, 2xJeeps, 1xLight Truck

    Recon Platoon (1 Officer, 17 ORs)
    Platoon Headquarters: Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant, Medic
    3 Recon Squads: Squad Leader, 4xScouts

    Mortar Platoon (1 Officer, 19 ORs)
    Platoon Headquarters: Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant, Medic, specialist signaller
    4 82mm Mortars: 4 Crew each.


Uniforms: Infantrymen of the Lightning Division wear a matte black ceramic clamshell cuirass (d6 Armor) and a "Fritz"-styled helmet with visor. (Basic sensors) Off-duty uniform is the black fatigues with the addition of a white kepi. It is notable that the Lightning Division is one of the few merc units that actually concerns themselves with maintaining a spit-shine in garission.


Rifle: The standard rifle of the Lightning Division is the old but reliable Armalite AR-28, in 5.56mm caseless. FP 2, Imp d8. A 40mm grenade launcher can be added which increases the FP to 3. Typically 2 per squad are issued, to the team leaders.


SMG: Submachine guns are carried by mortar crewmen, vehicle crewmen, some members of recon squads (usually 1-2 per squad), officers, and (depending on personal preference) NCOs of squad level or above. The standard is the H&K MP-2100, in 10mm caseless. FP 3, Imp d8, Close range only.


Shotguns: Recon teams also often have 1-2 men carrying assault shotguns. The favorite is the TacCor Sledgehammer, an evolutionary development of the Jackhammer. It's a 12ga weapon with a 16 round magazine and 3-round burst capability. FP 3, Imp d8. Beyond close range it uses sabot round to achieve FP 2, Imp d10. Some squads include a shotgunner as pointman.


Pistols: Pistols are carried by RPG and GPMG gunners, and some officers and support troops (mechanics, etc). The Lightning Division pistol is the H&K P41 in caseless 10mm. FP 1, Imp d8, Close range only.


General Purpose Machine Gun: GPMG is the FN MG-22 twin-barrel in 7.5mm caseless. FP d10, Imp d10 (without AG, FP drops to d8).


RPG The RPG used is one of several generic types which are largely interchangable. Treat as reloadable IAVR. Gunner usually carries 1-3 rounds as does the AG.


Armored Car: The LLAR-made EE-44. Size 2, Armor 1, Hi-Mobility wheeled, CFE, Basic ECM. 35mm autocannon R(RFAC/2) in turret (Basic Firecontrol) with coaxial 7.5mm MG (FP d10, Imp d10). Pintle-mounted MG-6 on commander's cupola as well (FP d10, Imp d10). Air Defense version replaces 35mm turret with remote turret with 20mm autocannon and fire control radar (ADS/Basic). Crew of 3 in basic version, 2 in air defense version.


Jeeps: Jeeps are Size 1, Armor 0, CFE, Hi-Mobility wheeled with pintle mount capable of carrying MG-6.


Light Truck: Light Trucks are size 2, armor 0, CFE, Low-Mobility wheeled with ring mount above crew compartment capable of mounting MG-6.

Frier's Fusiliers

By John Atkinson
Frier's Fusiliers Introduction

Warrant Officer Frier was a sniper in the recon platoon of the 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. After mustering out, he discovered his skills as a combat-experienced sniper were in high demand, but that many mercenary units were too conventional in mindset to employ him effectively. One night, over beers with several other freelance snipers the idea for the Fusiliers was born. Elected to command of the small unit, Frier named the unit in honor of his old regiment. Only experienced sniper teams (sniper and spotter) who had worked together in combat were accepted, and most of them were recruited from former NAC light infantrymen. The Fusiliers are rarely hired directly, usually acting as subcontractors for other mercenary units who do not have effective or adequate sniper assets. Frier has been offered several contracts that are equivalent to assassinations, but has turned all such offers down. The Fusiliers worked with a Swiss brigade during the battle for Flensberg and did extremely well. Since then, the Fusiliers have been able to charge more or less whatever they wanted to. Most contracts are fulfilled without a single Fusilier being killed. Unit quality is about 70/30 Veteran/Elite.

Frier's Fusiliers - Detailed TO&E

Total Strength: 0 Officers, 20 Other Ranks (20 total troops).

Command Section (2 Other Ranks)

Warrent Officer Frier, his Spotter

3 x Sniper Sections (6 Other Ranks each)

3 x Sniper Teams (2 ORs each)
Each Team consists of a Sniper and Spotter. Snipers are armed with either the L9 or L10A2 sniper rifles (standard NAC issue - see the Stargrunt II rulebook for details), and either a pistol or SMG as per personal preference. Most of the spotters carry the L7A3, but there is some variation as well.

AAR SG2 Woods Ambush

By Tom B

PLAYERS: Me and a friend who is an SG-2 noob. Was with
me introducing a new guy to the game.

DURATION: 5.5 hours including setup and teardown and a
diversion for pizza. Also covers explaining the game to new

BATLLESPACE: 6' long by 3' wide heavily forested board
with lots of tree stands, shrubs, hills (some climable by vehicles
and some not) and a small pond in the middle next to a small
slough. Most terrain was passable by infantry (hills +1" to +2"
and slough 2x movement). Not many long lines of site. I think
the longest shot I saw was probably 52" but the average shot
was more like 20-30".


NAC mechanized force to travel down 6' length of board to exit
off far side. Unknown enemy forces suspected to be executing
intercept movement.


NAC column trying to move through area of control. Engage column and
destroy, stop them from moving off far end of board as primary
objective, destruction as secondary.


NAC mechanized platoon in 3 8x8 wheeled APCs (HMG armed) and one 8x8
IFV (LMG + AC armed). The platoon was composed of 3 8 man NAC infantry
squads (6 rifle + GL, 1 SAW, 1 Laser Rifle) and 1 Gurkha recon section
(1 SAW, 1 laser Rifle, 6 Rifles). The infantry was a 1 green, one
blue, and one orange quality section. The Gurks got a red chit.
Vehicles all had blue. There was also a single figure EW guy and an
independent commander (blue and orange respectively)


ESU infantry platoon backed up by exoskeletons. 4 squads of ESU
infantry (7 x rife, 1 x SAW), 4 missile teams (missileer/loader with
ENH GMS/P), 1 command stand (5 x Commissar with 1 dog) and 1 support
team of gunner and loader (1 x AGL on tripod). The infantry was backed
up by one squad of Slow, Heavy Powered Armour and two Infantry walkers
(Heavy Gear minis) armed with 2 x SAW each. The PA was D12 armour and
the Infantry walkers were class 1 vehicle armour. Quality of troops
varied from green to orange with leaders being orange and PA being
orange. Walkers had one orange and one blue. These guys also had 1
independent blue medic.


Infantry Walkers: Move 12"/2d12". Class 1 vehicle armour. Manual
firecontrol. 2 x SAW (D10 FP). Can use cover and concealment. Exposed
weapons rules were not used because I forgot to look them up on
stargrunt.ca beforehand.

Spotting: Unit QD + Sensor QD vs defense die. Defense die was range
die shifted up by 1 for any sort of cover/concealment. Beat on one
die, know something is there. Beat on both, know exactly what. Can
fire in either case. Automatic if really obvious (someone drives
vehicle into open 200m away), free roll if likely (someone walks
infantry squad into open 300 m away at the end of their movement), 1
action if not likely (trying to spot previously unspotted enemy unit
that has not fired in a woodsline).

PA: Can benefit from cover.

Extra die type: I use D16s as top die type for rifle firepower, armour
and impact for weapons. I don't extend range to 6 bands, but I do
allow engagements out to D16 if that is a result of cover shifts. A
rifle can still fire to those ranges, it just gets hard to hit.

Overwatch: 1 action, counts as fire action, allows you to interrupt
movement or other visible actions you see on enemy turn. Allowed
tripod or vehicle mounted rapid fire weapons to make multiple
engagements without losing overwatch counter. Otherwise, 1 shot =
overwatch counter expended.

EW: EW guy spent 1 action to get 3 EW chits. Used to JAM comms (NEVER
succeeded) and Jam GMS (ditto).


Should have also used Exposed weapons on Infantry Walkers rules and
Marksmen (both found in rules section of stargrunt.ca). Also chose to
ignore green PANIC tests.


NAC forces moved onto their end of the board in the 1st turn. ESU were
allowed to start up to 10" on the board at their end. ESU moved very
aggressively forward in a broad line. Their primary objective was to
secure one of two defensible lines in woods or on hills. They secured
the first line and had GMS teams in firing position by the end of turn
1. NAC had merely got a few inches on the board and debarked infantry.

Turn 2, ESU finished securing first defensive line and moving forward
to second. NAC started moving dismount infantry and attempting vehicle
support. First APC lost to GMS this round.

Turn 3, ESU had secured second line very powerfully and were using
Infantry Walker firepower to start to suppress and inflict casualties
on NAC infantry. 2nd NAC APC lost this round. NAC ICV not having much
luck with its 25mm autocannon. ESU AGL starting to supress cupola
gunners on APCs.

Turn 4, ESU destroy ICV and gun on last APC leaving one unarmed APC.
By this point, they have inflicted maybe 3 or 4 casualties on NAC. NAC
EW total failure. ESU casualties 1 GMS loader.

Turn 5, ESU uses fire to suppress two NAC squads and uses PA to
assault (my advice to my foe shows here). PA in melee vs. veteran
squad slays 6 of 7 and forces remaining one to flee. Last APC lost for
NAC. NAC has taken about 11 casualties by this point. ESU maybe 2.
Gurkhas caught in open and suppressed. Bad things ensue.

Turn 6, NAC manages to rip some holes in the ESU PA (green squad at
range band one!). Causes one kill and one wounded. ESU return fire
badly hurts green squad. NAC eventually concedes surrender as ESU
forces push up through slough in the middle of the map while holding
both flanks strongly. ESU casualties approx 2 dead, 3 wounded. NAC
casualties approx 16 dead if you count vehicle crews, 2
routed/surrendered, 6 wounded, all vehicles destroyed.


I let Lorry get away with some things I'd have called more veteran
players on. I provided advice on how to use the PA and how to make
effective close assaults. I let him choose his weapons for OW fire at
firing time (rifles or missiles for missile teams). I let him operate
as if he knew some stuff his player knew but his guys would not. And I
let him be a bit gamer-y with lines of sight and troop movements. I
also let him fire OW before new activation rather than just making him
blow it off despite the lack of new action to his front.

On my part, I forgot to include my laser rifles for most of the NAC
squads (giving it FP 3 instead of D12) and I probably rolled about 33%
1's and another 15% 2's no matter the number of sides on the dice. I
blew a bunch of command transfers, armour checks, and one or two key
defense rolls (Gurks in the open getting suppressed in RB 5). None of
my HMGs or autocannons caused more than a suppression. I could not,
for the life of me, knock out his two infantry walkers. My EW jamming
failed every time (about 8 total attempts).

For his part, his dice were good for movements, adequate for fire, but
he also managed to roll well at key times. Every GMS that hit (he
missed with 2 or 3) was a major impact and disabled or destroyed a

But the point was not for me to win, simply to introduce him to the
rules, let him move some guys, and roll some dice. Mission well
accomplished and he said at the end that he could see how it would
allow more tactical choices than WH40K. I declared victory and we
cleaned up.

I think I could get him to play again and have some idea how to shake
some of the 'gameresque' bits of his play - maybe I hide some of the
results to introduce uncertainty or maybe I make mission objectives
secret and random from some cards. I'll also let vehicles do more as
time goes by. They're weak in SG2 (very very much so) and weak even
with my few revisions here. Run as I think they should be, they should
last a fair portion of the fight and be dangerous foes.

I'm looking forward to other games and more opportunities to use some
of my beautifully painted figures (I just got a shipment of NI figures
back from my painter and the chocolate-chip inspired camoflage he
produced was just magnificent...).

I noticed I forgot to include my GMS/P rules inspired by Oerjan.

GMS/P: Treat as class 3 weapon for crew escaping damaged vehicles.
Does 3d12 on minor impact, 6d12 on major. Oerjan and I talked about
how an IAVR or GMS/P has to be able to take out a tank or it isn't
much use and modern ones do. Not much point in carrying 1d12 damage
weapons (2d12 on a good roll) vs. 3d12 to 5d12 armour.


I should probably go with fixed armour values for vehicles... random
armour is just waaaay to variable to feel real. Maybe 8-10 points per
level would feel about right. This would mean a glancing blow (minor
penetration result) of the same sized weapon vs. that same class of
armour would mean Xd12 vs X*8 or 10. Considering a dice average of
6.5, less than a great chance of penetration, but still quite possible
with a good roll. On a solid hit, you'd be rolling 2Xd12 vs X*8 or
X*10 and that means effectively averaging twice as much (13.0) vs. 8
or 10 per level and giving pretty good odds of penetration. It would
also remove one more dice roll and speed up the game a bit.

The other idea I've been toying with is giving vehicles a more
sophisiticated range of damage (slowed, crew injuries before vehicle
kills, sights out, comms out, weapon damage, etc). And of course,
using my rules for PDS, ADFC, etc. to help them out. And letting
crewmen do different things (gunner shoots cannon, driver drives,
commander spots - for instance).


"Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station. It is a
terrible responsibility but I have learned to live with it."
Londo, A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I

"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like
administering medicine to the dead." -- Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mounted Troops in Stargrunt II

Wayne Pollerd

In the following rules these term should be taken as:
  • Mounted infantry should be taken to mean an infantry squad riding small, unarmed one man vehicles, used mainly to enhance the moblity of the unit. This can include things like motor bikes, grav powered bikes or even jet skis.
  • Dismounted infantry is a mounted infantry squad that has gotten off their bikes.

Being mounted on a bike gives mounted infantry a basic move of 12 and a combat move of D12 x 2. The mobility type of the bike (ie. Grav powered, high-mobility wheeled, etc) is used to determines the effects of terrain on the movement of a mounted infantry squad. In the case of grav powered bikes, the power plant is not powerful enough to allow them to use high mode movement or popup attacks. (This keeps the production costs down). When encumbered mounted infantry squads have a mobility of 10 and a combat move of D10 x 2.

Dismounted infantry use the mobility and terrain modifications to movement of normal infantry and when encumbered are effected as per normal infantry.

Mounted infantry squads can make full use of available cover but the mobility type of their bikes will will often limit the type of terrain they can enter. Mounted infantry squads can not go into position. Dismounted infantry follow the same rules for cover and terrain restrictions as regular infantry and if they go into position are assumed to have moved their bikes into covered positions as well (ie laid them on the ground).

Due to the restrictive nature of powered armounr, only troopers wearing non powered armour can be mounted on bikes. The norm is to wear partial light armour.

Mounted infantry can dismount during a reorganise action. The advantage of this is that when dismounted they no longer have a range restriction on their weapons and they can also use any IAVRs they may be carrying (See Fire Procedure below). Unless you form a detached element the entire squad has to be either dismounted or mounted. While dismounted the squad is treated like a normal infantry squad which allows them to leave their bikes and move into buildings and other terrain that may have been impassible to them while mounted. To remount, the dismounted squad must be move so that all the dismounted figures and the bike models are within a 6" diameter circle and then they need to perform a reorganise action.

A dismounted infantry squad can move their bikes while on foot by the simply pushing them and should be considered encumbered for movement purposes while doing so. It takes one figure to move a single bike. Enemy squads can also move unattended bikes in the same manner, though they will have to deal with any guards first. If the dismounted infantry push their bikes into terrain that would normally be prohibited because of the movement type of the bikes, they can not mount their bikes again until they leave this terrain.

Shooting at mounted infantry: A mounted infantry squad is considered a size 1, dispersed target. The fact that they are mounted on small one man vehicles does not make them point targets. Hence when you shoot at a mounted infantry squad you use the standard fire procedure for firing at a normall infantry squad. This includes heavy weapons only getting an impact dice of a D8.

Shooting at dismounted infantry: When shooting at dismounted infantry use the normal fire procedure for shooting at a normal infantry squad and ignore the bike models. If a dismounted squad takes casualties that result in the death of a trooper, his bike will be left behind for latter salvage (assuming their side wins the battle). See MOVING CASUALTIES for more details. While dismounted, a mounted infantry squad is effected by all combat results as if they were a normal infantry squad.

Shooting at bike models: If a mounted infantry unit dismounts and then moves away from their bikes there is a possibility that the opposing player will want to shoot at the bike models. I would suggest that the bike models should not be considered a valid target but if you must shoot them, then treat each bike as an individual point target with armour 0 (D6). This means it will take a number of separate fire actions to destroy all the bikes and this is time you should really have been using to deal with the dismounted riders instead.

Mounted infantry shooting:
Due to the need to concentrate on manoeuvring their bikes across the battle field the mounted infantry do not have a lot of time to aim at distant targets. In fact a lot of their fire is just pointing their weapons in the general direction of the enemy and letting rip with a burst of fire, making it inaccurate at anything over close range. Hence mounted infantry weapons can only be fired at close range (within one range band). Due to the need to use one hand to steer and the fact that anything other than small arms is too cumbersome to carry and use on a bike, mounted infantry can only be armed with infantry small arms (No heavy weapons or support weapons). Theone exception to this is that mounted infantry may carry IAVRs strapped to their bikes but the IAVRs can only be fired when dismounted.

When a mounted infantry unit first receives incoming fire the troopers will do one of two things. If the fire is light and inaccurate the normal response is to hunch down low and gun the bike's engine so as to quickly remove themselves from the fire zone. If the troopers judge the fire to de too dangerous to continue they will instantly bring their bikes to a sudden halt and quickly take cover on the ground, normally behind their recently vacated bikes. This has become know, rather affectionately amongst mounted infantry units, as a 'crash dismount'. On the other hand normal leg infantry call it 'cowering in the dirt and hugging your bike like a long lost sweetheart' but everything depends on your point of view. A crash dismount is not meant to be a new action just a nice descriptive term for the result of failing the reaction test.

To see what your mounted infantry squads reaction to incoming fire is you should make a reaction test with a threat level based on the number ofsuppression counters it has. The threat level is +2 for the first counter and +4 for the second counter. If a mounted infantry squad gets a third counter they automatically perform a crash dismount with no reaction test being made. If a mounted infantry squad suffers a casualty from incoming fire they will also perform an automatic crash dismount again without a reaction test being made.

If a mounted infantry squad passes the reaction test to stay mounted they can continue to perform movement and leadership actions while affected by a suppression counter but no fire actions. They can also perofrm a reorganise action if they are in cover. Suppression counters can be removed as normal. A dismounted infantry squad and one that has performed a crash dismount are affected by suppression counters like a normal infantry squad and cannot remount until all its suppression counters have been removed.

A mounted infantry squad can only perform a close assault action if it currently has no suppression counters. See CLOSE COMBAT for more information about mounted infantry performing a close assault.

Suppression information about mounted infantry performing a close assault:
Suppression counters effect a mounted infantry squads ability to perform final defensive fire during a close assault in exactly the same way as they effect normal infantry and final defencive fire is the only way a mounted infantry squad can perform a fire action while affected by a suppression.

Casualties are determined for mounted infantry squads in the same manner as when firing at a normal infantry squad (ie. the fire needs to be fully effective and the firer needs to beat the armour dice of the trooper with his impact dice). If you get a kill result in it is assumed that you have hit and penetrated the fuel tank / engine compartment resulting in a spectacular explosion and crash that kills any riders. If you get a wounded result it is assumed that you have damaged the bike causing it to crash and in the resulting crash the rider is also wounded.

Treatment & Movement of Casualties:
During a reorganise action it is assumed that the squad members attempt to treat any casualties as well as attempting to repair damaged bikes. Roll a D6 for administering to the wounded as usual. If the roll results in a full recovery it is assumed that the squad members also manage to get his bike back into running condition. Any other result on the treatment dice means that the bike has been damaged beyond the ability of hasty field repairs to fix.

Moving Casualties:
Untreated casualties: When a mounted infantry squad moves with untreated casualties, it is assumed that two of the wounded troopers squad mates are holding the casualty onto his bike and moving the bike and rider along with the unit. This means it takes two squad members to move a single untreated casualty. The unit is considered to be encumbered when moving casualties.

Treated casualties: When a mounted infantry squad moves with treated casualties it is assumedthat the treated casualty is carried on the back of a fellow squad members bike. Hence it takes only one squad member to move a single casualty. The unit is also considered to be encumbered when moving treated casualties.


A mounted infantry squad can initiate and be the target of a close assault action like a normal infantry squad. If the mounted infantry squad is the attacker they get a ONE DICE SHIFT up for the first round of close combat, this die shift does not apply when they are the defender and is in addition to any other die shifts that they qualify for under as normal (ie. Cover, close assault weapons etc.).

If a close assault action continues past a single round of combat it is assumed that the mounted infantry has dismounted and if they are subsequently forced to withdraw from the combat they will abandon their bikes when they fall back. If they win the combat they will not pursue the enemy for this would mean abandoning their bikes also. If the combat is resolved in a single round the mounted infantry are assumed to still be mounted and can hence pursue the retreating enemy provided they pass therequired reaction test. This means that follow through attacks can only be carried out by mounted infantry if they defeat their opponents in a single round.

If a mounted infantry squad is the target of a close assault action, passes the confidence test to receive the charge and is still mounted and able to perform movement actions (ie. They have previously passed the reaction test for not doing a crash dismount. See SUPPRESSION above for details) the player can chose to have them withdraw even if they have suppression counters. If the mounted infantry is dismounted then they should follow the normal rules which in that case the suppression counter would stop them from withdrawing.

Mounted infantry who suffer the effects of final defensive fire while performing a close assault are affected in exactly the same manner as a normal infantry squad. If they suffer a casualty from final defensive fire they will not perform a crash dismount until after they have fallen back.

If involved in a close assault action, as either the target or attacker while dismounted, a mounted infantry squad should be treated like a normal infantry squad and receive the normal die shifts.

Wayne Pollerd

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Insula Mucronis

I've been playing the renegade/insurgent/rebels within the
BEE for a while. I decided to create my own country. I saw
this on the Civilization page and thought that's it! I've got some
plastic Romans and German Paras...this will be a snap! I'll
place them on Helios part of the Terra Secundus map. The main
city will of course be Roma Nova, it is in keeping with the
background of this planet and besides it's fun.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Free Star Wreck

Found this page where you can get a free down load.....I watched it
and it's hysterical!


Star Wreck!

The opening shot of different Trek ships coming out of warp was amazing and this was just the tip of the iceberg to the special f/x. There is also a great showdown with the B5 Universe. Take a look at the trailer below:

Traveller To Stargrunt II

Stargrunt 2 Millieu: Marc Miller's Traveller


This page contains a 'best guess' rendition of the Classic Traveller/MegaTraveller/Traveller:The New Era/Traveller worlds equipment, races and organization.


Copyright for Traveller (the latest release) belongs to Imperium Games (and therefore I'm sure to Marc Miller). I'm not sure who the Copyright for the other previous Traveller releases belongs to - Game Designer's Workshop once owned them, but as it is now defunct, I believe all the rights have reverted to Marc. Copyright for Stargrunt 2 is Ground Zero Games and Jon Tuffley if I'm not sorely mistaken. Now, this page should be taken as a tribute to Traveller (best, longest lived SF RPG that their ever was and is!) and to Stargrunt 2, a relatively new, but incredibly fun, fast, and meaty squad-level miniatures combat game by Ground Zero Games. It is not a challenge to the rights of Marc Miller, Imperium Games, Game Designer's Workshop (if it has any left), or to Jon Tuffley and the crew at Ground Zero Games. I assert their rights remain inviolate, and I seek to pervert the spirit of neither system. Traveller has some rules for resolving mass combat, but they are simplified (unless you count Striker as part of the Traveller system, and then they take a step the other way). Striker may be fine for the people who still have it, and building Grav tanks using the Striker design guides, or using either iteration of Fire Fusion and Steel may be all right, but it probably goes beyond the scope of those folks who just want to add some small scale miniatures battles to their games, or for those SG2 players who like the Traveller milieu and just want to use it as a background for some small battles. The one thing the 11,000 worlds of the Third Imperium provide (and during the Rebellions and following times) is a great place for conflicts both small and large scale.


So without further adieu, I give you some best guess descriptions of Traveller equipment in Stargrunt 2 parlance.



· Jack (D3 Armour)

· Mesh (D4 Armour)

· Reflec (D8 Armour vs. Lasers Only)

· Flak Jacket (D5 Armour)

· Cloth (D6 Armour)

· Combat Environment Suit (D8 Armour)

· Combat Armour (D10 Armour)

· Battle Dress, TL-13 (Light, Slow Powered Armour)

· Battle Dress, TL-14 (Heavy, Slow Powered Armour)

· Battle Dress, TL-15 (Heavy, Fast Powered Armour)

· Vacc Suit (D6 Armour)

· Hostile Environment Vacc Suit (D8 Armour, Slow, Heavy Powered Armour)


Weapons (Personal)

· Body Pistol (d4 Impact, FP 0.5, Close Only)

· Revolver (d6 Impact, FP 1.0, Close Only)

· Auto Pistol (d6 Impact, FP 1.0, Close Only)

· Snub Pistol (d8 Impact, FP 1.0, Close Only)

· Gauss Pistol (d8 Impact, FP 2.0)

· Submachine Gun (d6 Impact, FP 3.0, Close Only)

· Assault Rifle (d8 Impact, FP 3.0)

· Rifle (d8 Impact, FP 1.0)

· Carbine (d6 Impact, FP 1.0)

· Shotgun (d10 Impact, FP 3.0, Close Only)

· Automatic Shotgun (d10 Impact, FP 4.0, Close Only) (Flechettes d8 Impact, FP 3.0, 2 Range Bands)

· Mass Driver Rifle

· Advanced Combat Rifle (d10 Impact, FP 3.0)

· Gauss Rifle (d10 Impact, FP 3.0)

· Laser Rifle-9 (d8 Impact, FP 1.0)

· Laser Rifle-13 (d10 Impact, FP 1.0)

· Laser Carbine-9 (d6 Impact, FP 1.0)

· Laser Carbine-13 (d8 Impact, FP 1.0)

· Laser Pistol-9 (d6 Impact, FP 1.0, Close Only)

· Laser Pistol-13 (d8 Impact, FP 1.0, Close Only)

· Neural Weapons (d6 Impact, FP 1.0 Close Only (Pistol), d8 Impact, FP 3.0 (Rifle))


Support Weapons

· Machine Gun

· Light Machine Gun

· Light Assault Gun

· Grenade Launcher

· Autocannon

· Auto Grenade Launcher

· VRF Gauss Gun

· PGMP-12

· PGMP-13

· PGMP-14

· FGMP-13

· FGMP-14

· FGMP-15

· RAM Grenades

· TAC Missiles

· Mortars


Special Rules


Gyrostabilized weapons with electronic sights allow firing of the weapon with a one step improvement in FP die, and this is an open shift.


Battle Dress

Battle dress (Powered Armour) in the Traveller universe not only provides increased carrying capacity, built in targetting systems, built in interface adapters for certain weapons systems, etc, it also includes advanced communications systems and a strength multiplier system.


Chameleon Functions


Neural Weapons

Neural Weapons hits do not have to check against armour. Ergo whatever number of casualty hits is scored against the unit before armour checks is how many casualties the unit takes, since armour is ignored. Note, like normal hits, you may score several on one target. Any target that takes more than three hits from a Neural Weapon may be considered killed from Neural Shock.

Starship Troopers To Stargrunt II

Starship Troopers (movie) to Stargrunt II conversion

by Peter Crump

Hi all,

With the release of SST, I thought, about the inevitability of somebody going out and actually doing this on a tabletop! SO without further ado, here's the writeup for SG II!

Bug Warrior
Quality Die=D10
Save Roll=D4
Moves as Fast PA
Has Close Combat Edged Weaponry and PA bonuses for Close Combat

Terror Effect
May capture a human if it wounds him in Melee
Must recieve 2 kills to kill it, but if the roll by the firer is a natural even number that results in a kill, the Warrior is automatically taken down(hit to the nerve stem).

Bug Tanker
Quality Die=D10
Armour of 2/1(Treat as Vehicle Target)
As per slow tracked movement, but with Fast PA chart
Has Close combat bonuses as per Warrior

Terror Effect
May fire a 12" flame/acid stream from nose, all MI hi by it dice as if hit by Infantry Plasma Gun

Bug Brain
Moves as per normal infantry
May Interrogate POW's (kills them in process)
May not fight and must be portected at all times

Other Notes
Bugs have a Moderate ADA rating
Unit Integrity=.5"
No Morale Checks except when Brain Bug is threatened
No routs except to protect the Brain Bug
No surrender

MI Rifle(Name of the Damn thing escapes me?)
Treat as Advanced Assault Rifle and Shotgun Combo

Nuclear IAVR
As per IAVR, but treat Blast and Effects as a hit by Medium Arty firing anti-personell submunitions.

MI Retrevial Boat
Superior ECM
VTOL Movement
Armour 5/4
Transport for 20 men

Fleet Fighters
Class 5
Superior ECM
Aero Movement
2 fixed foward HEL/3
racks for DFO

MI Platoon

Cmd Group: 1 LT w/Rifle, 1 SGT w/Rifle, 1 Sniper(w/conventional Sniper weapon),
1 RTO w/Rifle,
1 IAVR Gunner

3 Squads of 5 men each:
1 Cpl(SL) w/rfl
2 Fireteams of 2 men with Rifles
20 men total